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Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Bill Buckley summed it up pretty well. He said that he would rather be governed by the first 2000 names in the Boston phone book than the Harvard faculty. I'd probably change that to the Dallas phone book as I don't trust people who elect the likes of The Kennedys, Kerrys, and Franks.

jim k, austin

Then there are the rich that do bad stuff, like George Soros, for example.

jim k, austin

Waff, Al "The Bore" Gore is off somewhere spouting bilge about global warming or some other nonsense. We need Gore like Custer needed more Indians.

jim k, austin

Hooray for the rich. I wish I was one. The rich form businesses that hire others, give huge sums to charity, build libraries, and do a multitude of other good works that the poor could never do.

jim k, austin

Some wise person once said, "It ain't what we don't know that causes all the trouble, it's what we do know that ain't so".

jim k, austin

As goofy as Britney Spears is, she would probably be far less dangerous to the country than the likes of Pelosi, Franks, Reed, Boxer, and the rest of that ilk.

jim k, austin

I think itwas Napoleon who said, "History is lies agreed upon".

jim k, austin

It was interesting how the news media tried to convince us that the Ft. Hood shooting was just some soldier who went off his rocker instead of a dedicated Muslim terrorist. Why on earth would the military allow a Muslim into the army is a mystery to me.

jim k, austin

Is there a more obnoxious person on the globe than the botox queen, madam Pelosi ?

jim k, austin

If you happen to be a bunko artist, please excuse me for insulting you by comparison to the Pelosi gang.

jim k, austin

To get the truth, or something close, listen to what Obama, Pelosi, Reed,and the rest of the bunko artists in Washington say, and then believe just the opposite. I personally know at least 20 good people who Obama has "stimulated" out of their jobs. I guess they missed out on the 600,000 new jobs that O and the crew have created.

jim k, austin

A current example of sophistry is when Obama says that his administration has created 600,000 new jobs. And they can say this with a straight face and expect someone with a brain to believe it. Obama, Pelosi, Reed, and the rest of this sorry lot are giving Bill Clinton a run for his money when it comes to lying.

jim k, austin

This quote is so obviously correct that even Anonymous should see it, but alas, no such luck.

jim k, austin

An example of this quote is the amount of time and money spent by businesses doing the paper work required by the bureaucrats in Washington. This adds considerably to the price of all goods and services purchased by you and me.

jim k, austin

Mike and J Carlton have summed it up well.

jim k, austin

This is true, but I'm pretty sure you can't abolish them. That part is probably tongue-in-cheek.

jim k, austin

If you send it, They will spend it.

jim k, austin

...and if you oppose this politician it's only because you're a racist.

jim k, austin

The majority embraces insanity at the ballot box when a slick politician promises hope and change.

jim k, austin

We scoff at the sages and elect the fools. Then we get Obama :health" care, cap & trade and other idiocies.

jim k, austin

"A middle of the road blackman", Anonymous, are you totally insane. He's so far left he's out of the ball park, along with loonies like Pelosi, Reed, Boxer, Waxman, and the rest. If Obama isn't a Marxist, he'll do till we can find one.

jim k, austin

Kudos to J Carlton.He summed up the fall of Communism perfectly and Socialism is simply Communism in a slightly nicer package.

jim k, austin

Tell that to Nancy, Ralph, Barbara, Barney, Obama, and the rest of those misfits in Washington.

jim k, austin

Spoken like a lawyer and our Congress is made up mostly of lawyers. Hey, maybe that's why the country is in such a mess.

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