[1026-1050] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

J Carlton, I like it.

jim k, austin

This quote sums it all up.

jim k, austin

As I see it today, A and B are the Republicans and the Democrats. They are both sides of the same coin.

jim k, austin

Robbing Peter to pay Paul may annoy Peter, but It will be fine and dandy with Paul.

jim k, austin

Sorry I missed yesterdays quotes, but here's a comment to Waffler. Waff, were you badly hungover when you replied to the Milton Freedman quote. The grammer, spelling, and sentence structure were bad even for a public school graduate.

jim k, austin

I doubt that Nancy, Harry, Barney, and the rest of the gang would agree with this quote. Naturally they would give lip service to it while tightening the chains.

jim k, austin

And Federal Judges are appointed for life.

jim k, austin

J Carlton nailed it.

jim k, austin

The main reason that our country is in such a mess is because most of the men and women in the Congress are LAWYERS.

jim k, austin

Voltaire could have been refering to our current Supreme Court. You may read the Constitution but the Supremes will tell you what the Founding Fathers really meant.

jim k, austin

When the cops stop you and want to search your car and they smile and ask you politely to open your trunk, smile back and ask to see the warrant, even if you only have a set of jumper cables in the trunk.

jim k, austin

It is now "illegal" to carry cash of any fairly large amount in this country. If the cops stop you and find that you are carrying a few hundred dollars, they can call it the proceeds of a drug tansaction and confiscate your money. They can do this and never even charge you with anything and they do it all the time. Have a trace of marijuana in your car and they can steal it without charging you with any crime. Seig Heil.

jim k, austin

cal, do you mean that you don't trust THE ONE,The Messiah,and his coharts Nancy, Ralph, Barney, and the rest of the misfits to know what's best for you. Me neither.

Jim K, austin

Mistake here, the above note is mine. Also,it should read "Knew", not"new".

jim k, austin

The FDR New Deal was supposed to get us out of the depression. Like most government "solutions" it only made matters worse. Then along came the war and bailed Franklin out.

jim k, austin

I doubt that licensing has improved the quality of much of anything. More often it has been used to discourage competition in business by making it more difficult to be licensed. In Tennessee, for example, a person could not even sell a coffin until he was a licensed imbalmer and had embalmed 50 bodies. The funeral directors and their lobbyists got this law passed, and thank goodness, the Institute for Justice got this stupid law eliminated. Naturally, this convenient law protected funeral directors from competition.

jim k, austin

Ah, yes, another fine government bureau. Even if this wasn't a dispicable idea, the logistics would be a nightmare and the cost out of sight.

jim k, austin

And Pelosi, Reed and the rest of the Jackals are passing new laws all the time.

jim k, austin

Why bother with licensing, just turn the kids over,at say around 6 months of age,to the state for raising. Sort of like how it was done in Nazi Germany and Stalins Russia. It would save the parents a lot of bother and the kids could sing praises to Pope Obama every day and become good little socialists.

jim k, austin

--- or maybe N Korea.

jim k, austin

I suspect that Dick,Reston,and Waffler would be happy living in China.

jim k, austin

Reston, don't be late for the Party meeting on Friday. Those commies get real testy when Party members are late.

jim k, austin

Anon, right on. this is the truth.

jim k, austin

Dick,Fort Worth, are you sure you are living in Texas and not in Barney Frank or Nancy Pelosi country. Our government (the state) Causes 90% of the problems and then makes them worse trying to fix them. People will generally work thngs out pretty well if the gang in Washington would just get out of the way.

jim k, austin

I'm not familiar with Lawrence Auster , but the quote is exactly right.

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