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Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

J Carlton, I tried but she was still under the influence of teGrt ambozle, Oba.

jim k, austin

The Yes We Can slogan should finish this way. Yes we can really screw things up.

jim k, austin

J Carlton wouldn't you know. At a recent T Party I saw a cute young thing , probably a U.T. student, with a "Yes We Can" poster. She was quite attractive but obviously brainless.

jim k, austin

The people voted for stagnation and disaster last November but seem to be waking up now. Tea Party anyone ?

jim k, austin

We have some real bamboozlers in our government today. We must not let them sucker us in to accepting Obama health care or Waxman cap and trade. These will be suicide for the USA.

jim k, austin

Obamas stimulus plans have wrecked businesses and created zero jobs, except for government "jobs". He has , however helped one business immensely, the guns and ammo business.

jim k, austin

Sometimes we get lies and half truths from the Obama, Pelosi,and Reed crowd. To determine if the are lying, just see if there lips are moving.

jim k, austin

You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, and that usually gets the job done. Just ask our elected friends in Washington.

jim k, austin

Stone Mt., since you were not alive during Jeffersons time , I assume that you did not know of the situation for slaves in that area of the country at that time. Perhaps they were better off staying put with the Jeffersons, who's to know. Where would they have gone and what would they done if freed ? You don't know and neither do I, and I would not let this detract from the greatness of Jefferson.

jim k, austin

To bad that Wilkie lost the election to FDR.

jim k, austin

Jim,Stone Mountain, Lincon was a total hypocrite when it came to slavery. The war of Northern aggression was not about slavery, it was about centralized power in Washington. The Emancipation Proclamation freed only the slaves in states that opposed Lincon. For more details, read "Lincoln Unmasked", Amazon has it.

jim k, austin

With political correctness running amok in our country, we are dangerously close to "face crimes" now.

jim k, austin

Speaking of logic, is it logical that a government which can't manage the "clunker" program, should be allowed to completely manage the nations sick care ? I doubt it. As Nancy Reagan once said, just say no.

jim k, austin

Can't improve on what Mike said.

jim k, austin

I'll go along with Mike.

jim k, austin

And amen to Cal, lewisville.

jim k, austin

When the Catholic church protected pedophile priests I lost any respect that I ever had for it.

jim k, austin

Anon said it well and the current crowd in Washington led by Obama, Pelosi, Frank, Waxman, Reed, etc, are leading the way. They must be defeated now or we are in a heap of trouble. They can't even manage the "Clunker" program, much less health care.

jim k, austin

J Carlton, right on, especially about debriefing them every day. Most public school teachers are liberals and they get constant liberal garbage in the mail from their union and the Department of Education.

jim k, austin

Not to worry, you don't need to think in our public schools. Just keep quiet and obey the teacher and never,ever disagree with anything the teacher says and you'll be fine.

jim k, austin

Good grief Waffler. Were you drunk when you wrote that nonsense? You must have attended a government school judging from your sentence structure, spelling etc.

jim k, austin

When I was little, many moons ago, we played cowboys and Indians. That was before the idiocy of political correctness infested our land. Now I suppose it's cowboys and native americans.

jim k, austin

" I have a Liberal Arts degree, would you like fries with that" ?

jim k, austin

The gang in there now can start writing those books.

jim k, austin

Kudos to J Carlton and cal, a fellow Texan. Even Waffler and Anonymous can 't deny this mans credentials. Mr Gatto is right.

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