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Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

And speaking of irrellevant politicians, with the country tanking into socialism, Senator Orrin Hatch is urging the Justice Department to investigate the BCS. Congress screws up everything they touch and now they want to mess with college football.

jim k, austin

Well spoken, J Carlton.

jim k, austin

Whoever said it spoke the truth.

jim k, austin

Bill Gates is rich and powerful and gives millions to charity , as do many rich people. Think of the jobs created by Gates, Michael Dell of Dell computers and others like these. Using Madoff as an example to put all rich peole down is rediculous. He is a con man, a criminal, and got his just desserts.

jim k, austin

Maybe we should call it Kneecap and Trade.

jim k, austin

If the Obama bunch has their way, you can forget about Independence, or freedom for that matter.

jim k, austin

cris, alabama, What have you got against the Declaration of Independence ?

jim k, austin

Our freedoms are circling the drain right now with Obamas health plan and Cap and Trade bills having a strong possibility of being passed. Now is the time to contact Representatives and Senators in Washington, especially your Senators. The Messiah, Obama, admits that if Cap and Trade passes your electric bills will skyrocket. Now is the time to act.

jim k, austin

J Carlton is right, and remember that these liberal gun grabbers never quit. Like cockroaches, they work better in the dark. When the light of truth is turned on, they scurry away but they do not die. There is a reason they want to outlaw guns and they are not stupid. They have an agenda. Obama, Reed, Pelosi, and the gang are surely the most dangerous bunch that have ever been in power in Washington.

jim k, austin

As to the constitution, I wish King Obama would read it and stick to it. Fat chance.

jim k, austin

Juggs, Rush DID NOT say that Obama was going to change the law to allow for a third term. He said that it was a possibility and referred to FDR who did get additional terms. I suggest that you listen to Rush instead of relying on what the government controlled media says what he says.

jim k, austin

The USA today is a country run by a bunch of crazies that simply want to control every aspect of your life. Since we are all to stupid to know what to eat or drink, what to drive, where to set our thermostats, etc., Big Brother will tell us. Since the stimulus bill was passed, about two and a half million people don't have to get up and go to those pesky jobs they once had. "Happy days are here again".

jim k, austin

Tell that to that bunch of socialists running( ruining ) the country today.

jim k, austin

Waffler, the people are absolute ? What the heck does that mean ? The people that voted for Obama were absolutely nuts, maybe that's what it means. As to the quote, it's too bad that Mr Browne wasn't elected. He would have been far better than what we got.

jim k, austin

Juggs and Waff, please name one outright lie that Rush has made. As to Mis -characterizing liberals, he's way to nice to liberals.

jim k, austin

Anonymous, when guns are banned the police will be your enemies. They will pitch right in to enforce anti-gun laws. They don't call communist countries "Police States" for no reason.

jim k, austin

Miriam, Houston, are you saying that people of your race that live here aren't Americans. Some of my Mexican friends would be very offended at that notion.

jim k, austin

Pelosi and her gang would love to see the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" imposed so as to shut down conservative talk radio. Libs love freedom of speech as long as you are free to agree with them.

jim k, austin

When Mr Gartner gets mugged and robbed a few times, he'll get a gun real fast.

jim k, austin

Ah yes, Jimmy Carter. I thought he was the worst president in history, but after Obama gets through, I suspect that he will drop to second place. Carter wasn't satisfied being a really bad president, he's even worse as an ex-president.

jim k, austin

Pete"s a typical liberal , no reasonable arguement, just name calling. Speak up Pete, why are Mike and Anon idiots.

jim k, austin

Too bad Wilkie wasn't president instead of FDR, then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.

jim k, austin

Bruce, if Jesus came to die for anyone's "sin", he didn't seem to be aware of it. He was crucified because he was a threat to the religous and political leaders of Rome.

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