[1301-1325] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Anonymous, Reston, if a thief held you up and took your money , would you be happy about it if he said that he was giving it to a poor lady to pay the rent, or would you report it to the cops ?

jim k, austin

Anonymous, are you a card carrying communist or just a fellow traveler. If the Reda should ever take this country over, guys like you will be the first ones they shoot.

jim k, austin

To the thumbs down socialists above, Karl Marx in was strongly in favor of the progressive income tax. Workers of the world arise, you have nothing to lose but your freedom.

jim k, austin

As to Reagan's spending, only Congress can spend, and he had a democrat congress to contend with.

jim k, austin

Right on, Mike ,Norwalk. A reminder to Anonymous and Dick, Fort Worth, don't be late for the party meeting tonight. You know how testy those Komrads get when you're late.

jim k, austin

I go along with J.Carlton on this one.

jim k, austin

And it ain't been too good WITH representation. Not with the hacks in Washington today.

jim k, austin

Taxation is lagalized theft.

jim k, austin

Waffler. Cutting taxes always increases productivity and increases the "money" that goes to the treasury. Raising taxes does just the opposite. As to paying off the national debt, don't hold your breath with the yahoos now running (ruining) the country. Do you actually think that Obama, Nancy, Harry, Barney, and the rest of the usual suspects have any notion of paying off the debt? Under this group of Marxists the debt will only get bigger. I'm sure our grandchildren will appreciate this. Bush spent like a drunken sailor but you ain't seen nuthin' yet.

jim k, austin

Put another way, debt is slavery.

jim k, austin

As to our current group of clowns running Washington, let's turn them out in 2010 and the big "O"in 2012. Obama is the 2nd coming of Jimmy Carter and must go in four.

jim k, austin

Not to worry, Obama will fix everything. I suspect that his recent trip solved all the worlds problems and he will have a cure for cancer by early next week. Happy days are here again, or will be here soon.

jim k, austin

Perhaps a more accurate quote would be, " You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad."

jim k, austin


jim k, austin

Don't forget to send a tea bag to Washington as April 15th approaches.

jim k, austin

Bankruptcy for GM would be for the best. GM could then restructure and get out of those abominable union contracts that are causing them to lose billions. Under these contracts they can sell plenty of cars and still lose money. The "bail out" wasn't to save GM, it was to save the unions. The Dems have been sold out to the unions for years.

jim k, austin

David Rosenthal, our founders were Deists for the most part. Jefferson would certainly not be a Christian if you use the fundamentalist definition. He despised the idea of the Trinity and hoped that Americans would someday be Unitarians. Read his writings on religion in "The Essense of Jefferson".

jim k, austin

Ask someone, anyone, to tell you what a dollar is.It can't be done unless you go to the Constitution. I guess, as Slick Willie once said, it depends on what is means.

jim k, austin

On April 15th, or before, send a teabag to Washington.

jim k, austin

Sounds a whole lot like the Federal Reserve, doesn't it.

jim k, austin

Ebon, you must be kin to Waffler.

jim k, austin

At best , UN stands for "Un Nessary." At worst it has been a nest of spies and thugs.

jim k, austin

As to the UN, i say send it to N korea. It would be right at home there.

jim k, austin

True. Old Armand Hammer, the oil magnet, was a good buddy to Lenin.

jim k, austin

And the price of sand would go sky high. Dan, are you nuts. Socialism brings poverty,despair, and death to millions of people. The notion that Milton Friedmans policies caused this is preposterous.

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