[1326-1350] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Take the subsidies away from the sugar and dairy industries and you'll see weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. It ain't going to happen, our political hacks in Washington get too much money and too many votes from this group.

jim k, austin

A good example of double speak is Obama saying that his "stimulus" spending bill will improve the economy.If I am in debt up to my eyeballs, spending more sure isn't going to help.

jim k, austin

I only gave it 5 stars for it's accuracy.

jim k, austin

This is the guy that Roosevelt turned over most of Eastern Europe to. Harry Truman called him "good old Joe." Patton was right in wanting to run the Russians back to Moscow after Berlin fell.

jim k, austin

Ditto, J.Carlton.

jim k, austin

Mr Weaver said it well. I hope that we don't learn this the hard way. Kudos to Mike and Anon.

jim k, austin

He was later killed and hung upside down, a fitting end.

jim k, austin

Obama and the usual suspects are fiddling away our freedoms and we are paying through the nose. He will most likely be a one termer but can we survive even one with this Marxist in the white House?

jim k, austin

For an interesting look at this great founding father, read "The Essence of Jefferson", by Martin Larson.

jim k, austin

Nice going Joe, from a fellow Libertarian.

jim k, austin

The war between the states was not fought to free the slaves. Lincoln had no interest in freeing the slaves.The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in certain states. The war was fought over secession. Read "Lincoln Unmasked" for more information. You will never see old "Honest Abe" in the same light again.

jim k, austin

If the free market existed in agriculture, food products would be far less expensive. As an example, dairy product prices are propped up by the government as in the case of cheese. The government buys up cheese at an arbitrarily inflated price, stores it in giant warehouses and then gives it away.All, of course, at taxpayer expense. No one in our Congress dares to speak out against this for fear of losing votes in their next election. This is especially true in the farm belt. This is classic vote buying.

jim k, austin

Under Communism in the Soviet Union, 3% of the people, the rulers, lived in luxury while 97% lived in abject poverty and misery. I suspect that this percentage holds true in countries such as Cuba and N Korea.

jim k, austin

A good example of this is in "education". We keep throwing money to schools hoping they will get better,and they never do. And, naturally, liberals always want to spend more which is their answer to every problem, real or imagined.

jim k, austin

If not ashamed of it, he's certainly scared of it.

jim k, austin

Waff, your comment that our taxes are not high enough to balance the books is rediculous for two reasons. When taxes are lowered, not raised, the economy improves and more taxes flow into the treasury. Number two is even if higher taxes sent more tax money to Washington, the politicians would just spend it, they wouldn't "balance" any books.

jim k, austin

A hundred billion is chump change compared to what Obama, Pelosi,Reed,and the rest of the Marxists in Washington have in store for us. Zeitgeist and J Carlton summed up perfectly what is happening right now.

jim k, austin

Anonymous, they would if government got out of the way.

jim k, austin

Yes, it's" demonstrated in every page of history" but we never seem to remember history, and very little history is taught in our public schools.

jim k, austin

400 billion here,400 billion there ,and sooner than later it adds up to real inflation.

jim k, austin

I think Davy had it nailed.

jim k, austin

While I am not aware of the context of this quote, I'll go with Mike and Anon on this one.

jim k, austin

Right on Mike and Anon. If memory serves,1913 was the year that we got the Marxist progressive income tax and the Federal Reserve Act. Things started downhill after 1913 and we have reached bottom with the current crowd in D.C.

jim k, austin

Anon, My brother-in-law is a successful lawyer in Ohio. I mentioned "jury nullification" to him and he had never heard of it and I doubt that you will ever hear a judge mention it while charging a jury. This is a shame as jury nullification is a citizens last bulwark against bad laws.

jim k, austin

Silent Cal is exactly right. Waffler, we are wise to you. You're putting us all on since nobody could be as stupid as you seem to be. For you folks with some brains and can read, get "The Income Tax, Root of all Evil." It's long out of print but still available on Amazon. Even Waff might benefit if he can find someone to read it to him.

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