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Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Obama is doing exactly this right now, with the aid of the Pelosi - Reed gang.

jim k, austin

Jefferson was smarter than Pelosi, Reed, Franks and the rest of the scoundrels in the congress put together. In Jeffersons time we had statesmen, now we have hacks . We have a few good ones left , such as Ron Paul.

jim k, austin

We could use a Lewis Mcfadden in Washington today.

jim k, austin

Since rich people are the ones who own businesses and create jobs, it's only natural that liberals want to raise their taxes. "Soak the Rich" has been the rallying cry of democrats and liberal republicans for years. Unfortunately, people who buy into that nonsense also vote.

jim k, austin

Right again Mike, our dollar bills are Federal Reserve Notes and are not backed by anything.

jim k, austin

As to "preservation of the public credit", our government sure hasn't done much on this account. If a private business was managed like our government, it would have been bankrupt and out of business long ago. It's interesting that the very people who caused this economic mess are now expected to cure it. I'm a bit cynical on this account.

jim k, austin

Compared to todays democrats, JFK would be a conservative. He was on to something and had to be killed before he could tell the American people.

jim k, austin

I'm not sure that "knowledge will forever govern ignorance". The election of Obama causes me to doubt this.

jim k, austin

I suspect that he is referring to saddling future generations with debt due to excessive spending by the government. Of course, this is exactly what liberals , of both parties, are doing now.

jim k, austin

If he were in the House of Representatives today, he would be a giant amongst pygmies.

jim k, austin

Cook county,Illinois hasn't had an honest election in many years. John would turn over in his grave if he could see one of our "fair and virtuous" elections. A great example right now is watching Al Franken trying to steal the Minnesota senate seat .

jim k, austin

The General, as usual, got it right. As to expecting favours, give up on the idea that anything worthwhile will come from the corrupt U.N. It hasn't outlived it's usefulness since it never had any to start with. It was, however, very useful to the Reds by making it easy to get lots of spies into the U.S.

jim k, austin

Boy how times have changed. Will we ever see men like Washington again? Not likely.

jim k, austin

Jefferson and Washington were giants. Compare them with the pygmies in our congress today. For all but a few, calling them political hacks would be a compliment.

jim k, austin

Not exactly true, for example, Clinton was a bum when he went in and a bum when he came out.

jim k, austin

If you don't think we are headed downhill, consider this. We have come from men like Jefferson and Franklin to hacks like Pelosi, Reed and Barney Franks.

jim k, austin

There seems to be a big difference between "schooling" and "education". A lot of college graduates get a real education after they graduate. This is especially true if they majored in some su bject like Eastern Mongolian Art or womens studies. The education comes when they think their degree is going to help in finding a job and they start looking for work.

jim k, austin

That about says it all.

jim k, austin

If I were advising a youngster about college, I'd say take all the math you can take. Especially if you plan on getting a good job later.

jim k, austin

It would be more accurate to change"education" to "public schooling"in the quote.

jim k, austin

RBESRQ, I think you missed the point. Mr Friedman is not advocating tuition subsidies, he's suggesting that there are other motives. Read the first part of the quote.

jim k, austin

Remedial English is important. We don't want college graduates who can't read their diplomas or even spell diploma.

jim k, austin

RBESRQ, your statement is a bit confusing. What on earth does "being a compassionate human being" have to do with understanding this quote? It's pretty easy to understand. Does being a "compassionate human being" make a person stupid? As to the first sentence, are you a NY State school teacher or are you referring to Mr Gatto?

jim k, austin

Hey Waff, he is from New York and was teacher of the year in 1991. How does your resume look?

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