Barry GoldwaterBarry Goldwater, (1909-1998) US Senator (R-Arizona)

Barry Goldwater Quote

“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

Barry GoldwaterBarry Goldwater
~ Barry Goldwater

Acceptance speech, Republican presidential nomination, 16 July 1964

Ratings and Comments

J Carlton, Calgary

Extremism in the defense of Liberty is about the same as extremism in the defense of life, they are one and the same.

Me Again
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    Me Again    5/6/08

    Well said and I agree.

    sarah Abbasi, karachi

    indispensables wisdom

    Bob, Eugene, OR

    We need him now.

    Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

    Gotta love Barry! His definition of liberty might be different than some. His finest hour I believe is when he supported William Jefferson Clinton.

    Logan, Memphis, TN

    The basis of the neoconservative theory... No thanks.

    warren, olathe

    If he supported Clinton it would have undone every thing positive he ever did in life. Supporting Clinton would be a black hole of ignorance. It would suck every bit of IQ out of any one that tried it.

    Mike, Norwalk

    Logan, because certain malefactors misuse / abuse the phraseology; don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Defining each term (in and of its / their self) and then uniting such in a singular cohesive understanding would make the neoconservative theory you are referencing a lie (as it concerns the quote). By way of example: neoconservatism's extreme need for war, lies and to control are criminal, not liberty.

    E Archer, NYC

    Right on!

    Cal, Lewisville, TX

    As Waffler mentioned-Goldwater began to lose it in the end, but he was certainly right in 1964. Still cannot understand how anyone with a sane mind could vote for LBJ.


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