BuddhaBuddha, [Gautama Siddharta] (563 - 483 BC), Hindu Prince, founder of Buddhism

Buddha Quote

“Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.”

~ Buddha

Ratings and Comments

nina, GA
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nina, GA    9/1/05

what i want to know if you agree with it or not explain why

David L. Rosenthal

You will know the truth and the truth will set you free, but the process may take some time. So keep your sense of humor; you are going to need it.......The truth will change everyone's world; for some, because they believe; for others, because they do not.

Me Again
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Me Again    12/18/06

Amen !

Mike, Norwalk

The more words have the ability to destroy or heal, the more fragil and/or substantiveless the individual.

Joe, Rochester, MI

It would be great if everyone were true and kind. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one. Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

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EGL, LA    12/18/06

A famous Zen koan--when you meet the Buddha kill him.

Ken, Allyn, WA

I prefer, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Words only have the power that we give them, and nobody can affect my joy and happiness unless I let them. Also, true words do not have to be kind to have a postitive affect. Sometimes the medicine that cures does not have a pleasant taste.

E Archer, NYC

The pen is mighter than the sword. Why not promote the precepts of peace than defend the horrors of war.

Logan, Memphis, TN

"Sticks and stones..." I'm with Mike and Ken on this one. LoL, Joe-- "have a plan to kill everyone you meet"? Hey, that works with my plan to hang at least one politician a year.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Google "Rules for Gunfighting" and you'll find more. Rosenthal, you are so self-righteous.

David L Rosenthal

Arrogant AND self-righteous? How will I be able to live with me?

David L Rosenthal

Archer: Who defends the horrors of war?

E Archer, NYC

"Who defends the horrors of war?" Those that wage it, and those that believe them. The Iraqi war comes to mind -- the American people do not care that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed by US 'coalition' forces -- it's OK, because we only lost a few thousand soldiers, spent a few hundred billion dollars, and gained control of all Iraq's oil -- plus it made Bush/Cheney Inc. very rich and very powerful. Those that defend their actions defend the horrors of war -- specifically the 'shock and awe' the government so proudly boasts.

David L Rosenthal

Archer: I think that you have no idea about what the American people care about. What I perceive is that you are so often comfortable with making all kinds of inaccurate, false, and/or libelous statements, which is a base act.

E Archer, NYC

David, you may play devil's advocate as much as you like. I do not expect you to ever think outside your very limited, dogmatic, and arrogant mindset. When I disagree with you, you call my words 'libellous' (why don't you just say 'heretical' and get it over with). Anyone daring to contradict your views receives a barrage of responses from you (usually with you having the last word still baiting those who do not share your beliefs and opinions). You frequently pick fights with people on this list, constantly requiring people to answer your questions -- and when they do, you start insulting them. Frankly I have grown quite tired of it. Never-the-less, your comments so often demonstrate the degree of ignorance among today's populace that it helps hone one's skills in defending against such small-minded thinking. What do I care what your opinion is of me? You don't have much respect for Einstein, Madison, Jefferson, and other classic defenders of Freedom. I'll stick with them -- you can stick with whomever inspires your self-righteous leanings (although I do believe it hurts your cause more than it enables it.)

David L. Rosenthal

You can't answer my questions, Archer. That is what makes you so abusive. And you cannot prove what you falsely claim here. Frankly, I have grown tired of your easy disrespect for anything related to Christian thought, your constant tendency to distort Christian principles, and your apparently endless failure to make sense. Nevertheless, there is nothing I can do about it.

E Archer, NYC

David: I am not obliged to answer your questions, nor do we share the same respect for the words of Jesus (a far cry from fundamentalist 'christian' dogma). It is people like you that give Christianity a bad name. You might try lightening up on those that do not believe what you believe -- a little Christian forebearance can go a long way (you might give humility a try, too).

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Are you boys through? Can we keep comments to the quote at hand, please?

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EGL, LA    12/22/06

FOR THE EDITOR: This diatribe (webster's: bitter, malicious criticsim or abuse, often a waste of time) between D.L.R. and Archer has now gone to extreme limits in terms of what I believe this blog should allow. Their bickering exchange to this particlular quote actually mirrors the quote itself-words can be powerful and damaging. I have gone back over the week's quotes and comments and David behaves like a pit bull--or like some politicans we know he brokers no dissent and ridicules and discredits any of his detractors-a classic bully's tactic. In David's case it seems indicative of the insecurites from which most religious zealots suffer. As the editor, could you please restrain these exchanges as it creates a distraction from the more focused analysis of the quotes. And aside from his many other errors in intellectual substance David continues to fail to rate the quotes, but usually goes directly to attacking Archer. I am not trying to defend Archer--he needs no defense--but this is taking away from the quality of what has been a very interesting presentation of ideas.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

EGL, Thank you for your thoughtful remarks. I have asked posters many times to please confine their comments to the quotes as we have many visitors to the site that are not on the daily list. I have asked that participants comment on the quote and not debate other people's opinions. From time to time I will delete posts that do not refer to the quote at hand -- David's comments are often among those, and it usually ends with David posting even more messages in 'defiance'. Let's face it, whenever the topic's discussion moves towards religion, the preachers start chiming in and the comments turn into a debate about Christianity. I know that I can expect such passion whenever we choose quotes that are from famous spiritual speakers. I, too, believe all this debate detracts from the quotes. David has stated that nothing short of banning him from posting will make him stop for he will not respect the terms of use of this site. So we have granted his request for the time being. It is not something we have ever had to do, but this forum is not the place for debate. This has, however, urged us to complete the 'Soapbox' section of the site where people can rant and rave and expose their opinions to the light of reason without diluting the comments about the quotes themselves. We hope to have that up in 2007. My apologies to all who look forward to David's daily comments -- I, for one, could use the break. Cheers.

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    EGL, LA    12/22/06

    Dear Editor, Thank you for your response. I appreciate the fine line you must walk, and also that you do not want to loose one of the nice features of the site which is that one's comment posts immediately, not delayed so some arbitration can be imposed. Your forthcoming 'soapbox' will be interesting. I just felt finally I would say something--the two of them should just start emailing one another! But aside from this issue, I want to compliment you on this amazing site, the compilation of quotes are astounding and your choices erudite. It wakes my mind up each morning, and is much better than suduko for stimulating those little gray cells--as Poirot would chime. Have a wonderful holiday and thank you for the gift of ideas that your efforts afford.

    Jim K, Austin

    I don't care what anyone believes as long as they are kind.

    Patrick Henry, Red Hill

    As it is expressed in Proverbs 18:21-

    "Death and life are in the power of the tongue..."

    As it is winsomely stated in Proverbs 25:11-

    "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."

    Ronw13, Oregon

    Logic and reasonable commonsense. True and kind words. Liberty and Freedom are color blind, to both religion and economics. This has changed the world. " Wisdom is "known" of her children."


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