Isaac Bashevis SingerIsaac Bashevis Singer, (1904-1991) Polish-born Jewish author, Nobel Prize in Literature, 1978

Isaac Bashevis Singer Quote

“We know what a person thinks, not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions.”

Isaac Bashevis SingerIsaac Bashevis Singer
~ Isaac Bashevis Singer

Ratings and Comments

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Some one else has said "As a person speaks so goes his mind". Speech is a form of action is it not, however, Singer is probably on to something and that is speech can also be filled with lies.

Mike, Norwalk

In context, yep.

E Archer, NYC

Yes, actions speak louder than words.

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RBESRQ    11/21/08

Love it! Though sometimes it is words that can galvanize a nation

Alangate, The Wirral England

yes a brilliant quote and actions speak louder than words

Ken, Allyn, WA

Words: "I'm with the government and I'm here to help."

L Coyle, Dallas Tx

Its a "Better Than Thou" way of saying actions speak louder than words.

Ronw13, OR
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Ronw13, OR    9/19/18

A tree is known by the fruit it bears. Good fruit never comes from a corrupt tree. 

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Ronw13, OR 9/20/18

I understand the parable, but could never wrap my head around a 'corrupt tree.'  Does the tree have a free will?  How is the tree corrupted?  ;-)

Ronw13, ID
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Ronw13, ID E Archer, NYC 9/12/23

An excellent question E Archer. the "truth" is a more excellent say aspect of knowledge. " the excellency of the knowledge of the truth" shares with it a more personable relationship of being. Spirits are eternal, carnality is fleeting. A great class could be taught. 


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