Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page Wayne LaPierre Quote “No victim of crime should be required to surrender his life, health, safety, personal dignity, or property to a criminal, nor should a victim be required to retreat in the face of an attack.” ~ Wayne LaPierre CEO of National Rifle AssociationGuns, Crime And Freedom, p. 106 (Harper Collins 1995). Crime , Defense , Dignity , Property , Safety Ratings and Comments 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 7/31/12 A true statement based entirely in Morality. Reply E Marshall-Smith, Princeton 7/31/12 1 Reply Mike, Norwalk 8/1/12 Especially true when that criminal is the government. 1 Reply vedapushpa, Bangalore - India 8/1/12 I totally endorse both the views. 1 Reply Boog, Wake Forest 8/4/12 Three great quotes regarding the keys to freedom and liberty. 2Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 10/18/24 All firearms supporters have mental disorder, they associate with other firearms supporters with mental disorder, and premeditatedly with ill intent, go out hunting down their fellow citizens for settling their mostly made-up, mentally disordered irrational dispute scores. All firearms supporters are mentally disordered, without any exceptions, and Reply Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 10/18/24 Sillik, by what scientific (or otherwise) standard have you used to validate your delusional lies / mentally disordered word salad / bad dream movie script? Your theocratic nightmarish utopia is diametrically opposed to the species rectitude. 1 Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 10/23/24 It is plain to all who has the mental disorder, Fred. Without firearms, the government could not defend their corruption and theft. It is not that people are mentally ill for preparing to defend themselves, but that it is entirely reasonable that among us are people who would use force to take what is not theirs and enslave those weak in body and in mind — like Fred. How can a people be enslaved? When they have been dis-empowered in every way possible, when they have been 'programmed' to believe they are the subjects and subservient to arbitrary authority and 'experts.'We know who the mentally ill are, and it is not us. 10 million gun owners did not commit a crime today, nor will they tomorrow, but they stand as a bulwark against the arbitrary rule Fred spews out every day. Talk about deranged... you are their poster-boy. 1Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown E Archer, NYC 10/24/24 Mr Archer, if you prepared to shoot one of us, your simply prepared to shoot us all, a friend to one, is a friend to all, so I can't go around shooting my friends. 1Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 10/24/24 Mr Archer, you're probably not my friend, but I don't believe in shooting the mentally ill because I'm your friend. Reply Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 10/25/24 Socialism challenges individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law. Socialism, through its many denominations, creates censorship, illogical dialogue, pain, suffering, poverty, anger, violence, death, war and all else that is contrary to the nobility of man. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This Wayne LaPierre quote is found in these categories: Crime quotes Defense quotes Dignity quotes Property quotes Safety quotes About Wayne LaPierre Bio of Wayne LaPierre Quotations by Wayne LaPierre Books by/about Wayne LaPierre Wayne LaPierre videos Wayne LaPierre on Wikipedia Astrological chart for Wayne LaPierre