Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr., (1908-81) American lawyer, judge, politician, diplomat and clergyman from the south side of Chicago. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr. Quote “We, Negro Americans, sing with all loyal Americans: My country 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrims' pride From every mountainside Let freedom ring! That's exactly what we mean -- from every mountain side, let freedom ring. Not only from the Green Mountains and White Mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire; not only from the Catskills of New York; but from the Ozarks in Arkansas, from the Stone Mountain in Georgia, from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia -- let it ring not only for the minorities of the United States, but for the disinherited of all the earth -- may the Republican Party, under God, from every mountainside, LET FREEDOM RING!”Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr. ~ Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr. (1908-81) American lawyer, judge, politician, diplomat and clergyman from the south side of Chicago.Speech at Republican National Convention, 1952, often attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. America , Black , Freedom , Liberty , Prejudice , Racism , Loyalty Ratings and Comments 1 Reply michael morgan, San Jose, CA 11/24/05 Wow. Worthy of MLKjr at his best. 1 Reply E Archer, NYC 11/24/05 People may recognize parts of this quote in Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous 'I Have a Dream' speech in Washington, D.C. ten years later. Reply Anonymous 11/25/05 Reply sonu, troy, MI 3/25/07 wow!! this quote really touches your heart! it kinda opens your eyes to a whole new world of love and peace, well lets hope MLKs dreamm still rides on forever!! Reply im 1/12/09 awsome!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Reply rose, NYC 1/19/09 yes there are some parts that are similar and MlK may have borrowed the song idea but it is not plagerized! it is not word for word!. The 2 were actually friends Reply Cassie, MN 2/18/09 thats right!!! i love it :D 2 Reply Selisa, Chicago 9/10/09 This is my Great-Grandfather. Amazing... the story was never told. Reply Suzy Q, Bellevue, WA 7/4/12 Just.......Beautifully written. Reply Mike, Norwalk 7/5/12 Reply Anonymous, lyon 9/12/13 Incroyable, les dernires phrases ne sont pas les mmes. Martin Luther King s'en est donc inspir. Du ou pas, il reste que MLK tait un grand homme. Reply Amar M., lyon 9/12/13 amazing, i understand now . But martin Luther king was a great leader for all the people, he fight for the injustice. Reply Robert, St. Emilion 10/15/14 Reply David Cooper, Mannington, NJ 10/15/14 Let us not just admire it; let us teach it. And pass it on. 1 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 10/15/14 Let freedom ring ! From sea to shining sea ! Reply jim k, austin tx 10/15/14 Reply Terence Marion, Wyoming Michigan 10/15/14 Send this quote to the Republician party & the Tea Party. They have " BOTH " lost there way. 2 Reply Mike, Pleasant Hill 7/6/21 Ironically today's so-called civil rights leaders have repudiated everything that Rev. Martin Luther King Junior Ever stood for especially Kings belief in nonviolence. King believed that violence was unproductive and would eventually destroy the movement as hatred would develop.Thus the rise of the young black hatred mob (BLM) that are easily led as useful idiots By self-proclaimed trained Marxists. King was right about nonviolence, his dream of a colorblind society has been kicked to the curb! Reply jim k, Austin 7/6/21 Reply jim k, Austin 7/6/21 To the editor: I tried to donate , but when I hit "Donate Now" , nothing happened. Reply Mike,, Norwalk 1/21/25 1 Reply E Archer, NYC 1/22/25 Let us remember that freed slaves quickly joined the Republican party which was why the Southern democrats hated them so much — and still do! A black republican is ridiculed endlessly by so-called 'liberals' of all stripes who consider them 'traitors to their race.' I've never seen worse racists than white liberals... 1Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/25/25 This a conformist's diversionary appeasement to a national community in need of tremendous amount of social critique and criticism. This community's social behavior is reprehensible. It interesting, but sad of course, that this fella passed away the same year his country's President was giving us the low-down on an evil empire. That President was only familiar with one empire. Hope not of course, might be a lesson in appeasement. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr. quote is found in these categories: America quotes Black quotes Freedom quotes Liberty quotes Prejudice quotes Racism quotes Loyalty quotes About Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr. Bio of Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr. Quotations by Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr. Books by/about Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr. Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr. videos Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr. on Wikipedia Astrological chart for Rev. Archibald Carey, Jr.