Benito MussoliniBenito Mussolini, (1883-1945) Italian dictator during WW2, founder of Italian Fascism, 'Il Duce'

Benito Mussolini Quote

“You want to know what fascism is like? It is like your New Deal!”

Benito MussoliniBenito Mussolini
~ Benito Mussolini

to Grover Whalen, 1939

Ratings and Comments

cal, Lewisville, Texas

True, it's just more government control.

Howard, Bangkok

I love it when totalitarians are brutally honest.

J. Allen, Arlington, Va

Very much so, took a nation of free independent people and forced them and all future generations into government dependency. FDR the enemy of individual and economic freedom.

Mike, Norwalk

I'm not quite sure how to rate this; 5 stars for accuracy or, a thumbs down for correctly identifying one of the prime actors and what killed the individual sovereign's aspirations of liberty. Corporations are, by execution and definition, State extensions. Adding corporatism to the theocratic administration of socialism is understood as fascism. Enhance State godhood by such tools as Keynesian economics (anti-natural law / fiscal law, prosperity, laissez faire liberty) makes Mussolini's observation of FDR's Amerika very accurate.

E Archer, NYC

Fascism took over both US political parties in the 30's. The communists upped their game and 'progressively' took over the Democrats. Once Americans lost control of their money and power, the globalists perfected their system of hegemony.

True reform would be a return to State sovereignty -- there are so few who can make their way through the gauntlet of authoritarian opposition to the seats of power to dismantle the DC statist machine.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Fascism is the popular, but false notion, that one portion of the population takes from other portion in the guise of social programs. Fascism is additionally the criminal traditionalists continually exploiting the vulnerable new commer. In essence fascism is simply inequality, the present state of affairs, my fascist acquaintances.  The solutions are national housing, national transportation, and national goods and services. In essence the solution is called Socialism.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 7/29/24

You got most of it right, Fred.  And FDR's New Deal is definitely fascist  as well as a form of socialism.  However, what you have countered as the antithesis is also a form of socialism, i.e., communism.

The only things fascism and communism are to the 'right' and 'left' of are each other. Yes, Fred William Silliik the Socialist, you are also THE Communist.  I had previously thought you might just be misguided, but it is clear to me now you are a very proud, died-in-the-wool, full-on Marxist. 

And I have never met one who wasn't a narcissistic authoritarian who would burn the world to the ground rather than respecting the mutual rights of his fellow man to live in Liberty and thankfulness for this miraculous gift we call "Life."


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