James MadisonJames Madison, (1751-1836), Father of the Constitution for the USA, 4th US President

James Madison Quote

“A pure democracy ... can admit no cure for the mischiefs of faction.  A common passion or interest will, in almost every case, be felt by a majority, and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party...  Hence it is that democracies have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

James MadisonJames Madison
~ James Madison

James Madison, Federalist No. 10

Ratings and Comments

E Archer, NYC

The word 'democracy' is not found in the US Constitution or any of the 50 states' constitutions. Woodrow Wilson made the term popular -- the same guy who signed away the nation's economic sovereignty to the Federal Reserve. Americans have been duped! And the nation has been upon the road to ruin ever since.

Mike, Norwalk

We hold this truth to be self evident ! History has repeatedly proven the accuracy of the statement.

leahman garrard, birmingham

I think we should have more of James Madison, Thomas Jerrerson and Andrew Jackson...especially about our 'do nothing' congress.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley

"violent in thier deaths" should be "violent in their deaths".

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

I would like to apologize for my bitter attacks of these political figures, but these figures display  a total demonstration of the lack of faith in human determination, drive, and the educational developing forces that prepares human beings for a more resilient life sustaining challenge. It is not the desirable description, we as socialized beings care to express concerning these political personnel, but we can't continue this negativity of our past elected representatives, we must have a much more penetrating positive stance and not continue these can't be done attitudes, because life can be performed and performed quite glorifyingly. Socialism is the challenge of socialized behavior to create a glorified and distinguished life presentation.

Mike, Norwalk
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Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 10/18/24

Sillik your demented religious diatribe describes a utopia that is non-existent in the noble beings reality. Socialism challenges individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law. Socialism, through its many denominations, creates censorship, illogical dialogue, pain, suffering, poverty, anger, violence, death, war and all else that is contrary to the nobility of man.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 10/23/24

Often socialists are confronted with their delusions when they hear themselves denouncing the very founders and patriots of American freedom, but like Fred, they confuse their corruption with the real thing.

It is the authoritarians (i.e., socialists) that demonstrate total lack of faith in human determination which is why they will forever be at war with the people.  The day will come when the light is shone into the dark corners to expose the web of lies woven by their governments.  The gloves will come off, and no amount of 'let's just be positive about your oppression' will suffice.

The delusion will not stand, and we don't have to be 'positive', NO we re entirely NEGATIVE when it comes to accepting the lies.  ENOUGH!  Our handlers will soon have a very rude awakening.


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