John Adams, (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page John Adams Quote “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”John Adams ~ John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President'Argument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials,' December 1770 Justice , Law , Truth Ratings and Comments 1 Reply E Archer, NYC 1/24/05 The truth is the truth -- no matter whether we know it or not. 1 Reply Edmund Furd, Washington, D.C. 1/24/05 A great quote from one of the greatest defenders of Liberty the world has ever known. Reply Klacee Klaver, Carl Junction MO 4/17/06 I think this quote is okay. It would be better if when i type in somthing that the quote is useful. I'm a National History Day competior going to Washington D.C repersenting MO. I need good quotes! Reply Anonymous 12/18/08 Reply O. Delusional Liberal 12/2/09 Naturally. 1 Reply Anonymous 10/29/10 this quote is good but i need quotes going against the british and for the american colonists. Reply A.WOODS, Gloucester 12/16/13 Reply anonymous 2/19/14 26% of the American population doesn't know that the Earth revolves around the Sun. "... just 74% of Americans know the Earth revolves around the sun." - . Reply Mike, Norwalk anonymous 9/2/21 anonymous, (-; I've heard 98.625% of all statistics are just made up :-) Reply Mike, Norwalk 2/19/14 I like Archer's take on it. Back in the despotic state, facts and evidence are made up, altered or cherry picked (ending up with whole new conclusions that in 'fact' have little if anything to do with the event). And, when facts and evidence don't match what the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land wants, they make up what ever fits their fancy; after all "A lie told often enough becomes the Truth" (Lenin) or If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed ( Hitler) 911 for example. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 2/19/14 Kudos to E Archer and Mike. Reply watchman13, USA 2/19/14 Anonymous, Try the United States Constitution ! Reply watchman13, USA 2/19/14 The Greatest Religolistic document ever written by man, The United States Constitution ! When they could pledge by no higher an authority, than God himself. They ( our founding fathers ) Pledged all that was theirs, to the Holy cause of Liberty and freedom. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. US Constitution ! This experiment is in the hands of the people. Quotes against the British, please ! How many ( He has ) do you need !. There would be a continual draft of paperwork to ascribe and edify the insight and broad mindedness of these Great men of faith. Given the learned ear and deepest of conviction to convey such thought, Almost breaks the brain, doesn't it ! Their tongue was made the pen of a ready writer. As King David spoke of himself ! With such foundation laid and established to draw from. Knowing such a well of living water, which is able to make the wise unto, salvation of the nation. They took and we take our stand in understanding, for therein is strength of conviction. Eloquence of poetry, aptitude unequaled. depth of understanding not fathomed, but by a few. Some can hear, but can rarely speak such words in due season. It is a gift, called the unspeakable gift of understanding. Reply watchman13, USA 2/23/14 Sorry if that's a bit much. Reply Ronw13, ID 9/2/21 Well seeing no one corrected my statement above, after many years now, I'll correct myself. My reference above, The Declaration of Independence. Sorry about that. Reply E Archer, NYC 3/12/22 Inconvenient truth. "Climate change" is now the primary driver of global hegemony. The youth of the Western world have been targeted with this fallacy, and thus the primary impetus for authoritarian power grabs around the world. "Settled Science" has become the justification for censorship, authoritarian dictates, permissions to work, travel, buy and sell. No one is allowed to have an alternate opinion or even to publish the facts. It is the dis-empowering of the free world, consolidated once again into the hands of the money printers. Their desires are insatiable. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 3/12/22 Despite the charlatans, it is an objective world after all. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This John Adams quote is found in these categories: Justice quotes Law quotes Truth quotes About John Adams Bio of John Adams Quotations by John Adams Books by/about John Adams John Adams videos John Adams on Wikipedia Astrological chart for John Adams