Mark B. Cohen Quote

“Nothing can so alienate a voter from the political system as backing a winning candidate.”

~ Mark B. Cohen

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Mike, Norwalk

ok, can be, some times. Does that mean there will be the greatest turn out ever for the up coming federal elections - since only liberal looser are running :-) ? hmm

J Carlton, Calgary

And there Mike, enlies the very reason this entire election is a complete joke...liberal loser's on both sides of the aisle. Good call. Quote could read: Nothing can so alienate an "informed" voter...

jim k, Austin, Tx

Maybe he means that when your favorite candidate wins, nothing much changes. The Repubs and the Dems are really the same party. The only party worth voting for is the Libertarian Party.

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    abby    5/15/12

    It means it would be a good idea to not vote for the lesser of two evils for the outcome remains evil. Maybe it is time to give os second term to Dr Paul who will fight to begin the restoration of this will be up to those who follow to pick up the baton...but we will not have chosen the lesser of two evils. If now we will have to go with Gary Johnson and Judge Gray...and who has heard of them, eh?

    E Archer, NYC

    Mark Cohen ought to know -- he has been in office since 1974! This is a classic tactic to appease alienated voters.

    cal, lewisville, tx

    I agree totally with Jim k and abby.

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

    Voting for the "winning" candidate is similar to alienating yourself from life, because that candidate has historically tried to take us away from progress.   


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