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Posts from Mary - MI

Mary - MIMary - MI
Mary - MI

I wish I could post 10,000 Stars for this quote of Rudyard Kipling's.

Mary - MI

Many thanks to the wise statement of Winston Churchill. Kudos to those who so wisely admired his statement and beautifully extended their defense of what Churchill stated --- i.e., Mike, Norwalk, E Archer, NYC, Buddy, thistown, Miyah, London and all others who believe in honoring and protecting our Natural Born, God given) Unalienable Individual Rights and protections.

Mary - MI

Remember that Twilight Zone story where the Aliens from outer-space had a book called, "How to Serve Man", that turned out to be a cookbook? Well, I believe that the dyed-in-the-wool Progressive-Socialist Constitution Shredder and Collectivist, Waffler has a book called, "The Socialist Agenda to Shred Unalienable Individual Rights."

Mary - MI

I remember when Dan Quayle was made a laughing stock for spelling Potato with an "e" on the end.
Here is how Thomas Jefferson spelled "Potato" ... Would the same fools laugh at Jefferson for using the Old English spelling?

Mary - MI

Excellent quote! Do-gooder despots and control freaks would assuredly make sure to allegedly protect the public at large from getting burned or drowning ... by making sure that they (the despots) had complete overseer handling and ownership of both fire and water.

Mary - MI

Good people gave "We the People" warnings about the UN's damaging influence in our country more than Half-a-Century ago.

Mary - MI

Whenever an individual is on trial and charged with an unjust law the jury has the ultimate authority to judge the law unjust through their rightful power of Jury Nullification.

Mary - MI

Tender, deep and very touching statement from the very renowned Chief Joseph. FREEDOM!!!

Mary - MI

Oops .... I wish to add an addition to what James Madison was debating about when he spoke the above words ... so here is the missing needed extenuation - "James Madison, on the House floor during debates on a Cod Fishery bill [February 1792]"

Mary - MI

Please block your eyes Waffler so that you won't have to read the facts of the Father of the U.S. Constitution, one of its authors as well as one of its signing ratifiers solid opinion on the General Welfare Clause.
Waffler ... We all know that actual history and defining facts give your Progressive, Liberal and Marxist ideology nothing but Apoplexy!!!!
-- “If Congress can apply money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may establish teachers in every State, county, and parish, and pay them out of the public Treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post roads. In short, every thing, from the highest object of State legislation, down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress; for every object I have mentioned would admit the application of money, and might be called, if Congress pleased, provisions for the general welfare.” - James Madison, on the House floor during debates on a Cod

Mary - MI

Crony Capitalist Tycoons for far too many decades have been purchasing the favors of our government representatives to help them stifle and eradicate their Free Market competitors.
When Corporate Welfare rules the day to the detriment of consumers choice it disables and destroys the desirous and highly favorable cost lowering Free Market.
Corporate Welfare/Crony Capitalism also creates the wholesale obliteration and death knell of any new private sector employment for the masses that could have been created with the introduction of competitive companies.

Mary - MI

Alexander Hamilton's comment was correct .. except for the fact that Hamilton himself acted "repugnant" when he set up the first Central Bank.

Mary - MI

Herein lies the problem of the Elitist Establishment Machine cronies sitting as Democrats and/or Republicans on either side of the aisle.

Mary - MI

The U.S. institution of public education elate all those who desire the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto.
The Public Schools have filled young minds with the idea that "feelings" are far superior to cognitive and thoughtful objective reasoning.
This last presidential election has proven that the public school institutions and colleges, fed off of our tax dollars are turning young adults into complete emotional government dependency of thought by the immature and irrational melt downs who are being doled out Play-Dough, safe rooms, coloring books and crayons by their Indoctrinating Left-Wing College Professors.

Mary - MI

Thomas Jefferson would be calling the Democrats, "DEPLORABLES."

Mary - MI

What the general American public is actually allowed to learn and know about is manipulated, spoon fed and decided by a limited handful of giant conglomerates, who own and control most of the major radio and t.v. news networks, as the well as the newspapers and magazines.

Mary - MI

We have a founded Limited Government Republic wherein the sacred Unalienable Rights of the Individual are SUPERIOR to the State.

Mary - MI

No matter the source .. whether from a storied t.v. program or a book based on fiction when the quote renders an obvious truth and rings for freedom and Unalienable Rights it should be held in high regard and great esteem.

Mary - MI

This coming out of the mouth of the sexual predator, Bill Clinton. LOL!

Mary - MI

Well, this is a real beauty coming out of Bill Clinton's mouth.
It must mean that both he and Hillary are despotic tyrants for they are both outright destroyers of the truth.

Mary - MI

In order to be truly vigilant of their government and its actions the people need to be perceptively intelligent and keenly knowledgeable,

Mary - MI

E Archer, NYC - Thank you for so steadfastly standing up to the perverted thinking and convoluted comments of Waffler, Smith, Arkansas.
Your arguments are rock solid and all out impressive.
I'm sure many viewing and making comments on this thread are not only thoroughly impressed with your impressive comments, but also wish to 2nd them.
Again, Thank You ... Kudos and Excelsior!

Mary - MI

By their vile and unlawful actions you shall know them.
The IRS, FDA, EPA, NSA, CIA, DEA, Departments of Energy, Education, Labor, Homeland Security, TSA, The State Department, The privately run and owned Federal Reserve Bank ... numerous other Federal Bureaucracies and their unelected Bureaucrats

Mary - MI

"The Fabian Society originated in England in 1884, with the purpose of forming a single, global socialist state. They get their name from the Roman general Fabius, who used carefully planned strategies to slowly wear down his enemies over a long period of time to obtain victory."
The Fabian Society Exposed .....
Uploaded on May 14, 2011

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