Lisa Schiffen Quote

“Families would be in better shape if our tax code didn’t push married mothers who wish to raise their own children into the labor force, in large part to pay for a welfare state that encourages unskilled, unmarried teenagers to bear illegitimate children the rest of us must support.”

~ Lisa Schiffen

Hail to the Chief, The American Spectator, March 1996, p. 68.

Ratings and Comments

jitendra, Gurgaon, India

Very wise.

Patent recipe for a sound social order.

Mike, Norwalk

Several issues. Economics 101; if one individual works per household (family), the economics of society will make it possible for one person's labors to pay for a home, transportation, food, clothing, etc. When a second person from that household enters the work force (as the norm), prices will rise to reflect the situation so that it now takes two laborers to accomplish the same thing as the one laborer norm. Enter Keynesian economics with the second plank of the Communist Manifesto (enslaving larceny) - families denigrate along with individual integrity, morality, productivity and so on, and so on and so on. A criminal tax code does not equate to the laborer's mandate to the paying for illegitimate children and the rest of unmarried teenagers hardships or states of affairs. It is the malignant and devastating religion of socialism that mandates such destitute grievance. Though socialism is a route cause of both enslaving larceny and the illegitimate hardships of unmarried teenagers (both scenarios relating through socialism), they are not necessarily a cause and affect - one of or to the other. Concerning the welfare state, there is a correlating mentality linking that to enslaving larceny.

E Archer, NYC

The women's lib movement was orchestrated by the Rockefeller/CFR banksters to raise tax revenues (which go into their pockets). Not to say that women weren't/aren't in general paid equally as men for the same services -- however, in many fields today, workers are paid the same rate regardless of sex. And sales positions usually pay commissions, so whoever sells the most, makes the most.

My wife is what they call 'a stay at home Mom' but I think that does not even come close to describing her contribution and worth -- she's home-schooled our children, keeps us fed and healthy, manages every aspect of our home and finances, provides love and support 24/7, and the list goes on. She is worth a heck of a lot more than what she can make at 'a job' at a 6 figure salary. Of course, now that the children are grown, she can run her own business from home. It pains me to see so many of our friends who both work, send their kids off to be 'taught' by government dependents, and have so little time with each other. Some even have their babies and return to work within a few months to leave their kids with 'day care' workers. All this so they can pay their rent, car payments, credit card bills, and have a few weeks 'vacation' once a year. I wouldn't trade our way of life for anything.

Mike,, Norwalk
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Mike,, Norwalk E Archer, NYC 12/13/24

Archer, my wife was also a super lady and stay at home mom (has since past). She did not even work when we were so poor we didn't have as much as a car to sleep in. We did not take as much as a morsel from any government related anything. Through my labors outside the home, the situation improved. My wife also homeschooled our kids. The stark differences between nature's law's historical examples (personal sovereignty, inalienable rights, and liberty vs. all else) is more than illustratively abundant. Socialism is a religion that is antithetical to women, the family, morality, economics and all that which is the nobility of humanity.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Mike,, Norwalk 12/16/24

I was recently reminded that most Americans were home-schooled a century or two ago.  Government education is primarily a socialist endeavor.  The brilliance of the founders (like Jefferson, Washington, Adams, etc.) has not been seen in America's government representatives in ages  and all they really had were books and simple tools that could be home-made.  My guess is that they had great mothers to guide them!

L. Hanson, Edmonton, CANADA!!!

Here's the truth; this government has to stop bribing in foriegn nationals to continually dilute our labour pools.

Get out of my country you U ass and a POS..

Donald, LaPlata, Md

so true!

cal, Lewisville, Texas

As Grover Cleveland noted, The Constitution does not allow for a federal welfare system.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

It would be of a great fortune for all, if our world citizenry, would place a much higher priority on the pure dimension of life itself. Obeying the laws of humanity would certainly cause a more ordered human formulation.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 12/17/24

OK, I'll bite, what are the "laws of humanity"?  Please be specific and provide a source other than your arbitrary opinion.  Don't you mean the "laws of nature"?

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown E Archer, NYC 12/20/24

Hello Mr Archer, hope you are doing well. By the laws of humanity I am simply trying to express that the laws of humanity entail any appropriate distinguishing behavior that promotes the health and longevity of the human species designation. And yes, I feel the laws of humanity and the laws of nature would definitely possess a pure synomous tone and quality. What I also feel, we as a result of nature, however, are as a species group failing to reciprocate or return our obligatory developed responses to nature in a natural responsible relationship. Oh, and Mr Archer, I'm not a fisherman, just a socially based gentleman looking for an agreement.

E Archer, NYC

"I am simply trying to express that the laws of humanity entail any appropriate distinguishing behavior that promotes the health and longevity of the human species designation."  Huh?  If that is a simple expression, I'd hate to see a complex one...

Can you speak plain English, please.  Your response is nothing but "I feel" followed by unintelligible generalities.  If you are looking for "agreement," you are going to have to be specific.  Stop generalizing and speaking in tongues.  Use a vocabulary that the rest of us are familiar with  I frankly don't understand a word.


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