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Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, Austin

I think that Mr. Peck sums it up well.

jim k, Austin

I go with Mike and J Carlton on this one.

jim k, Austin

P.S. Is there anymore disgusting a person in Washington than Harry Reed ? Maybe Pelosi but it's a close race.

jim k, Austin

The current group of misfits in Washington are a good example. Most Americans oppose government "health care" but they will ram it down our throats anyway. Anyway , as any person with a brain knows, Nancy and the gang don't give a hoot about your health, it's all about government control.

jim k, austin

I'm with J Carlton on this. If I had the power to do it, I'd have a Secret Service man or one from the FBI in every Mosque in the country.

jim k, austin

Unless, of course, the pursuit of knowledge happens to lead to rhe conclusion that global warming is a gigantic hoax and Al Gore is a con man.

jim k, austin

Pretty hard to argue with that.

jim k, austin

Mike and J Carlton summed it up well.

jim k, austin

Mike and J Carlton, you have summed it up perfectly. I'd sure like to buy you both a cup of coffee. Merry Christmas.

jim k, austin

The quote says it plain as day.

jim k, austin

I'm pretty sure that Jefferson was not referring to the "Hope and Change" of the current administration

jim k, austin

I doubt that any "drunk neighbor" has shot a child walking a dog". Where guns are banned, crime always increases. I'll speak slowly so even Anonymous will get it. When guns are banned by the government the criminals keep their guns as law abiding, citizens turn theirs in. Then the only armed people are cops and criminals, and if you think the cops will protect you, think again. The cops will, however, make a report after you are shot or stabbed by an intruder who knows that you are unarmed.

jim k, austin

Unless, of course, Obama or Pelosi say it's a crime.The bureaucrats in Washington consider the Constitution to be a hinderance to their plans, an annoyance.

jim k, austin

Tell that to the gun grabbers in Washington such as the Brady Bunch,who want to disarm the citizens. When guns are confiscated ,read Australia, crime always goes up. Waffler , what on earth does the gibberish you wrote mean? It's incomprehensable.

jim k, austin

Waffler, you have written much nonsense, but this bilge takes the cake. J Carlton has it right so please take notice. The Copenhage meeting is to promote one of the biggest scams in history.

jim k, austin

J Carlton hits the nail squarely on the head once again. Our congress pays no attention whatsoever to the Constitution and hasn't for many, many, years. To them the Constitution is only a slight annoyance.

jim k, austin

In case of the federal government, the answer is yes. And black is white and up is down. Nancy Pelosi told me so.

jim k, austin

Governments steal your money, give it away and dress it up as altruism.

jim k, austin

Should have read"the liberal news media".

jim k, austin

With political correctness rampant in this country, you are never supposed to say anything that could possibly upset anyone. That's why the news media tried to convince us that the shooter at Ft Hood was just a disgruntled soldier who went off his rocker instead of a dedicated Muslim terrorist. Mustn't upset those nice, kindly Muslims.

jim k, austin

I may not agree with all of you, but to all of you, MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

jim k, austin

Complaining probably doesn't do much good anyway, probably a waste of time. A wise man once told me never to tell others your troubles, most of them don't care and the others are glad you're getting what's coming to you.

jim k, austin

Licences,taxes, fees,etc, proves this quote.

jim k, austin

I doubt that debt brings much prosperity. As to individuals, debt is slavery and should be avoided. This should also apply to our government but they seem to love debt, the more the merrier.

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