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Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

In Texas, the Senate and House meet for 140 days once every 2 years. This could be a good idea for The U.S. congress. A better idea for Washington would be to convene for 2 days every 140 years. P.S. Waffler, get a sense of humor, please.

jim k, austin

Things haven't changed all that much since Teddy. If they pass "Obama Health Care" , guilty will be the proper answer at roll call.

jim k, austin

It's both corruption and incompetence, Nancy Pelosi is proof of both.

jim k, austin

Anonymous, Reston, Don't be late for the Party meeting tonigt. You know how testy those Komrads get when you're late.

jim k, austin

I have to laugh when the Obamunists tell me that his health care plan will "cut costs". Has the government ever "cut costs". This health scare plan is a vehicle for Obama and the rest of that bunch to control your life and everything you do. It is crucial that we defeat this now.

jim k, austin

These concerts to "wipe out world hunger" or a good example of mis-guided altruism. When large amounts of food is sent to African countries most of it is used to feed the soldiers who keep the people under the thumb of the thugs who run the country. And, of course, the people continue to starve.

jim k, austin

You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, and that's good enough. It's fitting that this man worked for FDR, the man who made it illegal to own gold and whose policies extended the depression.

jim k, austin

Waffler never gets it.

jim k, austin

It's Lawyer Speak but good.

jim k, austin

We have to defeat Obama, Pelosi, Reed, and the rest of the usual suspects, or we are in for some real hard times. If Obama gets this health care non-sense passed, you better stay healthy. I haven't heard of any Americans going to Canada or England for health(sick) care.

jim k, austin

This Obama "Health Care" idiocy is another example, of many, of just how far we have strayed from the message in this quote. These are desperate times and Obama must be defeated now.

jim k, austin

For safeguards, how about the Constitution, which has been largely violated since 1861.

jim k, austin

From a man appointed by Dwight Eisenhower who later said it was the worst mistake he had ever made.

jim k, austin

Jury nullification is the last hope against bad law. Many lawyers have no idea what it is or means. Shame.

jim k, austin

A pretty accurate quote.

jim k, austin

At least 95% true.

jim k, austin

The Libs want to bring back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" to get rid of conservative talk on the radio and TV. Libs love free speech when you agree with them.

jim k, austin

Marx and Lenin would rejoice if they could see what is taking place in our government today, and for the past many years.

jim k, austin

Will, Mike, and J Carlton said it well.

jim k, austin

He could have said,"By establishing public schools" and it would be the same.

jim k, austin

J Carlton is right. Since main stream media is now under the control of the Obama crowd, the internet is the best way to get the truth out.

jim k, austin

The press is now almost compltely in the tank for Obama. Their main function is to make him look good, not an easy task. One of the best things about Limbaugh is that he pisses off Libs like Waffler.

jim k, austin

Waff, speaking of stupidity, how about Pelosi , Reed,and that loose cannon, Joe Biden.You may not agree with Limbaugh, but stupid he ain't.

jim k, austin

I suspect that the majority of Obama voters were more interested in security than in freedom.

jim k, austin

Term limits anyone.

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