[1276-1300] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Freedom of speech is about done in the USA. Mustn't say anything that might offend anyone, especially a lefty.

jim k, austin

Joe, Rochester, is right, and don't forget the good old DEA who may break your door down and shoot you dead.

jim k, austin

King Obama can do no wrong, if you believe the propaganda being put out by the liberal media.

jim k, austin

Simply look at what is going on in Washington today to prove this quote correct. The dodos in the White House couldn't even keep up with Air Force One but are in the process of taking over the American auto industry. Obama and his fellow travelers aren't into creating jobs, they are into power and control. It's simply business as usual when it comes to the state.

jim k, austin

The pen may be useless but the pamphlets written by Thomas Payne were powerful in helping defeat the British in the Revolutionary War.

jim k, austin

"Political harmony" sounds like "reaching across the aisle and working together to get things done". If The Republicans had any guts and were really conservative, they would be working to defeat the Dems, not work with them. To a liberal democrat, bi- partisanship means helping them promote their socialistic agenda.

jim k, austin

Editor, your quotes are fine, keep it up.

jim k, austin

Most of our press is just another arm of the democrat party. Anything negative about a liberal is buried on page 19 if it makes the paper at all.

jim k, austin

That quote about sums it all up.

jim k, austin

Let's see now, nobody in the White House seemed to know anything about Air force One flying low over New York City. Tell me why Janet and "O" had no idea where Air Force One was , and why it was needed in a photo op. Can this bunch find there way to work without help.

jim k, austin

Mike said it well. He gets my vote.

jim k, austin

A few in our government may have read it, but they don't pay much attention to it. I suspect that the Obamunists would just as soon get rid of it.

jim k, austin

If Mr Calhoun could see us now. A centralized government in control of a bunch of socialists/ fascists. Lincoln started it all downhill with the war against the South. All Lincoln lovers should read "Lincoln Unmasked"for the skinny on "The Great Emancipator".

jim k, austin

Our Republic has now morphed into a democracy. Here's what John Adams said about that. " Remember, democracy never lasts long.It soon wastes, exausts and murders itself.There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."

jim k, austin

State governments begging for "federal money" make this a joke.

jim k, austin

To turn the country over from one set of knaves to another group of knaves.

jim k, austin

Ambrose is a bit caustic, but pretty well right most of the time.

jim k, austin

Hey Waff, here's an idea. If you don't think taxes are high enough you are free to send in more. Maybe you can get some of your fellow travelers to pony up some more. As to the Regan- Bush statement, the cause of our huge debt started long before these gentlemen were in office. It started around 1913 and really got in high gear with the Roosevelt " New Deal". For you youngsters , 1913 was the year of the Fed and the income tax and it's been downhill ever since.

jim k, austin

As to cage rattling, the recent tea parties certainly rattled Obamas cage. More is needed if we are to servive this Obamanation.

jim k, austin

Waff, don't forget that Clinton had a Republican congress for the last 6 of his 8 years. That was back when Republicans didn't act like Democrats.

jim k, austin

Waffler, wrong again. In 1945 "liberal" had a different meaning.from today. Liberals, or Progressives as they now call themselves, are the Socialists, or Fascists , if you prefer. Nazis were called Fascists and the name Nazi meant National Socialist Party. Fascism and Socialism are one and the same.

jim k, austin

Mike, Norwalk is right. Komrads Dick,Reston, and Bonnie should pay attention.

jim k, austin

I doubt that anyone in or out of the IRS understands the tax code. Joke of the day: Obama says he wants to simplify the tax code. Would anyone like to take a bet on this?

jim k, austin

April 15th is the real "April Fools Day'". Don't forget to fill out your confession sheet and send in your "voluntary" tribute to the masters in Washington.

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