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Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Anonymous summed it up pretty well. Another example of governments violation of personal liberty is the so-called "War on Drugs". Cops, agents of the government, can take your property with no due process of law and not even charge you with a crime. See the books, "Drug Crazy" or "Bad Trip" for the details, available from Amazon.com. The War on Drugs has enriched drug lords, increased crime in our streets, made drugs cheaper and more potent, corrupted cops and judges,made drugs easily available to children, and filled our jails with non-violent people.We pay 70 billion or more each year in taxes for this monstrosity. See LEAP.CC for more information.

jim k, austin

To prove this quote, just observe what goes on in D.C.

jim k, austin

This quote is a perfect description of Obama. He is coming, however, not as big brother but more like the most high and holy Messiah and we are his subjects.

jim k, austin

Waff , read your next to last sentence and tell me what it means.

jim k, austin

Waff, wrong again. Just take a look at the morality in our government.

jim k, austin

He could have been referring to the Pelosi, Reed,Frank,Biden gang.

jim k, austin

Yes we changed it, from Bush, the liberal to Obama, the Marxist. The more things change the more they stay the same.

jim k, austin

Waffler, the king of nonsense.

jim k, austin

Waffler, are you nuts. Under Communism if you utter one negative word you will be declared an"enemy of the state". To make it easier for simpletons like you, substitute the word Government for the word State. Now go stand in the corner.

jim k, austin

There are two kinds of governments, bad ones and worse ones. As Washington said. "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force, and like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

jim k, austin

To prove this, just look inside the Beltway.

jim k, austin

I suspect that the people who lived in the Soviet Union and who lived under Soviet rule in Eastern Europe would agree.

jim k, austin

As usual, Komrad Waffler makes no sense. All the plundering and thievery by the government is always done for the "public good". If you can read past a 3rd grade level, it is obvious that Hayek is NOT saying that these "experts" are needed, quite the opposite.

jim k, austin

This quote describes exactly the Obama gang in Washington. Everyone is helpless and needs a bailout and it's the messiah to the rescue.

jim k, austin

Franklin was exactly right and he perfectly describes government in general,and ours is no exception. As to Komrad Waffler, Franklin was not "bitching", he was simply stating a fact of history.

jim k, austin

One thing about Reagan, he didn't tell us how terrible things are every 5 minutes like Obama and Biden. Of course, this constant noise from O and the gang is a CYA ploy so that when the stimulus bill makes things even worse , he can always say that he just didn't realize how bad things really were, and ,naturaly, he'll need 4 more years to get it done. My hope is that we survived 4 years of Jimmy Carter and then had the good sense to turn him out.

jim k, austin

Ron Paul, a simpleton ? He was the only one running for president with any idea about saving the economy. Yes , the republicrats were stupid to nominate McCain instead of Mr Paul. and now we are paying the price with Marxist Obama. The stock market is down over 2000 points since his election. "O" and the gang say it will get worse before it gets better. I suspect that it will get worse before it gets even worse.

jim k, austin

To see where we are headed under Komrad Obama , Reed, Pelosi, Biden, and the rest of the gang , watch the movie "The Lives Of Others".

jim k, austin

Too bad Mr Paul isn't president.

jim k, austin

Mike, with this gang running the show in Washington, off the cliff is where we are headed.

jim k, austin

As to the quote, thieves and politicians are the same, especially with Nancy and the gang in charge.

jim k, austin

I go to my banker for a loan. He approves the loan and puts some numbers into my account. He then declares the "loan" as a bank asset. Does this make a lick of sense to anyone except politicians and bankers ?

jim k, austin

I suspect that Anon, Reston, hates the "filthy rich" because he ain't one.

jim k, austin

He is obviously referring to our credit economy which depends on consumers spending money, or what passes for money these days.

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