[1401-1425] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

This quote is a perfect description of the "stimulus plan". Komrad Robert, Sarasota, you sound a great deal like Komrad Waffler, maybe you two were separated at birth.

jim k, austin

A non descript politician from the corrupt Chicago political machine suddenly becomes president. It makes you wonder just who is pulling the strings behind the scenes.

jim k, austin

A perfect description of our Congress, and yes, Mike, it is scary.

jim k, austin

I agree with David, public education is an oxymoron, it should be called government indoctrination.

jim k, austin

This quote is pretty easy to understand, When government spreads the wealth around in the form of welfare and subsidies, it first has to steal the money through taxation. Guess who they steal it from.

jim k, austin

Madison seemed to be saying that he couldn't find in the Constitution where Congress had the right to rob one group of citizens and give to another. Of course, our government is in the business of robbery, it's business as usual.

jim k, austin

Obama should read this daily. Taxing the producers doesn't help the non-producers. Business owners need the tax breaks as they can expand and grow their businesses and create more jobs. Liberals, who are into power, do not understand this, or maybe they do.

jim k, austin

Archer, please, everyone knows that Waffler is smarter than Voltaire. Editor, please have simpler quotes so Komrad Waff can understand them, maybe something that a 2nd grader would understand.

jim k, austin

The loss of purchasing power due to inflation is exactly the same as a tax increase except more subtle. It hits people on fixed incomes the hardest.

jim k, austin

To add to Archer's timely comments, when a bank makes a loan, it is carried on their books as an asset. Figure that one out.

jim k, austin

As a follow up to Bryans' comment that money doesn't always equal wealth. In Germany before the 2nd world war, there was a story of someone with a basket of money hurrying to buy a loaf of bread.When the basket was set down for a moment, someone stole the basket and left the money.The basket had Intrinsic value but due to rampant inflation at that time, the money had almost no value at all. I fear that we are headed in that direction and Nancy and the gang will move us right along.

jim k, austin

What does my bloviation above have to do with the quote, you say ? Not much, really, but it's pretty timely as we approach April.

jim k, austin

Great job, Mike and Bryan. Prior to World War 2, People paid their income taxes once a year, there was no withholding from each pay check. The withholding tax was supposed to be a temporary tax to finance the war. However, taking it out weekly from each check made it easier to rob the suckers a little at a time and the thieves in Washington realized that they were on to something. As taxes are raised, as they always are, citizens would rebel if they had to pony up the money all at once as they would really see just how much robbery was taking place, and the "temporary" tax is with us today. The government's definition of "temporary" is in the same catagory as their definition of "voluntary".

jim k, austin

Waffler, are you joking ? Counterfeiting is alive and well, it's done daily at the US Mint. When citizens print bogus money they go to jail, when the government does it, it's just fine.

jim k, austin

The people in Washington who voted for this "stimulus bill" should be arrested for theft. They won't be, of course, since theft is business as usual in D.C. The pity of it all is that we keep electing the thieves over and over.

jim k, austin

E Archer, trying to educate Comrad Waffler is like trying to teach a pig to whistle. It's impossible to do and it only annoys the pig.

jim k, austin

Anon, thank goodness we have no state income tax here in Texas. Every now and then some slug writes a letter to the editor suggesting that we should have one , but so far we have resisted.

jim k, austin

Our government has been ignoring the Constitution ever since the 16th ammendment in 1913. Read "The Law that Never Was"which contends that the 16th ammendment was never legally rattified. Put " The 16th Ammendment " in the adress bar and read all about it on the web. 1913 was the year that our nation started a long, downhill slide into Socialism culminating in electing a Marxist last November.

jim k, austin

Every so often the cops arrest someone for passing counterfeit money. This is laughable since our government does it daily.

jim k, austin

I defer to Mike..He's said it well.

jim k, austin

I put Obama voters into 3 classes: (1) the know nothings, (2) those who should have known better, (3) and those working toward a socialist USA.

jim k, austin

Comrad Waffler, we can survive "cynics" but will we survive this government. I have hopes since we survived Jimmy Carter. Our current president , with the aid of the usual suspects, wants to solve our problems with more red ink. This may make sense to Comrad Waffler but makes no sense to anyone who can think. It's been tried many times before and always fails.

jim k, austin

If Mr Webster could only see us now.

jim k, austin

It almost sounds like he was talking about the recent bail outs. I notice that he was a democrat, boy how times have changed.

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