[1476-1500] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Waff , I believe that Mr. Gattos qualiifications are at least as good as yours, perhaps even better.

jim k, austin

Waff, your second sentence proves the incompentancy of our public school system. Thanks for proving that point.

jim k, austin

Substitute the word British in the quote with United States and it would pretty well describe our public school system.

jim k, austin

Waff, where on earth did you get the idea that home schooled kids know only their mothers and fathers. Have you ever heard of kids playing with the neighbors kids? Maybe that's a novel idea to you.

jim k, austin

Waffler , bed check at the rest home is 8PM, don't be late or nurse Rachett will be upset.

jim k, austin

The quote is perfect. And when high school graduates read at a 3rd grade level and can't find the USA on a world map, the solution is always, MORE MONEY.

jim k, austin

Anne and Bryan are right on.

jim k, austin

The feds send tons of money to the schools and they follow the Golden Rule. He who sends the gold makes the rules. As to David, OR, he has it exactly correct.

jim k, austin

Short, terse, and exactly right.

jim k, austin

5 stars squared.

jim k, austin

Michelle, these are liberty quotes. Dewey and his gang were not for liberty, only conformity.

jim k, austin

Just what you would expect from the NEA. It's interesting that home schooled kids consistently outscore public school kids in aptitude tests. As to the "comprehensive education experience" I agree. Home schooled kids miss all the wonderful things such as walking through those neat metal detectors. The NEA isn't interested in educating anyone, only keeping the teachers unions fat and happy.

jim k, austin

Waffler never dissapoints. This quote is NOT out of context and is totally consistant with Deweys' beliefs. We wouldn't want people thinking for themselves, now would we. That would be dangerous to our socialist state.

jim k, austin

Teachers should be teaching pupils how to think.

jim k, austin

This sounds a great deal like our current public, (government) schools.

jim k, austin

I agree with Bryan of Stuart, Fla. Well said, Bryan.

jim k, austin

Our government may study history, but they pay no attention to it's lessons.

jim k, austin

If you don't like this, see what Thomas Jefferson thought about Christianity.

jim k, austin

I tend to agree with Anonymous in spite of the horrible sentence structure and spelling.

jim K, austin

Reminds me of one definition of faith. Faith is all we have left after reality sets in. Another is believing something without any evidence to support it. An example would be having faith that Obama is going to fix the economy or that Jesus will return to earth.

jim k, austin

Hey Larry B, that was a real classy reply, or maybe classless is more accurate.

jim k, austin

I doubt that many Americans revere liberty anymore. At least above comfort anyway.

jim k, austin

I've seen some pretty unhappy believers in my time and the happiest person in our neighborhood is an Agnostic. I doubt that believers, on the whole, are any happier than sceptics.

jim k, austin

As to the flood story, it should start out "Once upon a time "like all fairy tales. It is interesting that Noah was spared because he was "rightous" and when the boat landed he got drunk. Anyone believing that this fable is an historical event , probably believes that Jack and the Beanstalk is a real event.

jim k, austin

If Jesus would come back now, he would probably say what Yogi Berra said, "I didn't say half the things I said." Or maybe "I didn't say half the stuff written in the red letter editions of the Bible."

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