[1801-1825] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

We get to elect another in November.

jim k, austin

Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro and other Socialists of this ilk , sure didn't put up with much criticism. Neither do leftist college professors who infest our schools today.

jim k, austin

Would that we had leaders like Washington now. Look at the bunch we have in the Congress, and the sorry choice we have in November. The whole bunch couldn't carry George's boots.

jim k, austin

Liberals never change their views no matter how much evidence to the contrary.

jim k, austin

You gotta love Hillary, she's never silent about her lies, she just belts 'em out at the top of her lungs.

jim k, Austin

Dougmcr8, College liberals, meaning 90% of the faculty, are very tolerant as long as your opinions are the same as theirs, otherwise, lookout. Ultra leftists infest our colleges and universities and do not suffer other views lightly.

jim k, austin

When are you liberal morons going to understand that corporations Do Not pay corporate taxes. Corporations are businesses and taxes are part of business costs and have to be added to the cost that we pay for the products, not that a liberal democrat would understand anything about business. The consumer is paying the corporate tax in the form of the higher price of the goods and services. When democrats bray about taxing the rich, it's just a way of deviding the country by getting the haves and the have nots fighting. The folk with money are people who start businesses , hire people and make the country work. They already pay about 90% of all income taxes. Tax increases always hurt the economy . When taxes are lowered it always stimulates the economy and more money flows to the treasury. Will liberals ever wake up?

jim k, Austin

Our U.S. Congress could use a good dose of integrity as it is sadly missing in Washington.

jim k, austin

Earth to Chitty ,come in. Obama is an extreme leftist who will raise taxes and steal your "change". Did you hear the sound bites of an "off the cuff" speech he was making in Virginia a day or so ago? Without a written speech or tele prompter he makes George Bush sound like Winston Churchill. If ever a person was supremely unqualified to be president, it's Obama. Well, maybe president of the local Lions club, maybe not. Here's a news flash for you, the govenment only gets the money to "serve the people" by first stealing the money from the people through taxation. "Tax loopholes" are only ways to avoid taxes because of laws your Congress puts in the tax code. As to Reagan being "filthy rich", I suggest that you check Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxers bank accounts as well as most democrats and republicans. I guarantee you that Barb and Nancy are using "every loophole they can find", and they are both "filthy rich".

jim k, austin

Change the word"always" to "often" and I think he's real close. The "morality" of the Puritans often landed a person in stocks, or worse.

jim k, austin

If these folk who want to tell you where you live, what you can eat, what you can drive, what you can do with your land, etc, ever get control, you can forget about your freedom. They are close, very close and it's under the guise of "fighting global warming ".We must wake up to this hoax before the whackos get total control.

jim k, austin

Get 'em in and get 'em out and who cares if they can read or write. We constantly hear about the "problem" of "education".Politicians yak about it constantly and their solution is always the same, throw more money at it., and the beat goes on. Our public schools have little to do with "education".

jim k, austin

School and prison are very alike. Some want to start them at the age of 3. This gives an early start to the indoctrination process. I haven't been in prison, wait, yes I have, it was called Public School.

jim k, austin

This quote is exactly right. This isn't how it should be, but it's how it is. Mr Nietzche has spoken the truth.

jim k, austin

According to the Waffler gibberish above, it should be the school's business to teach kids how to think, to maybe learn a little math and English along the way, and perhaps even to learn to read and write. Many graduating high schoolers can't even write a simple declarative sentence or finish a sentence while speaking without saying "like" about 50 times. Our public indoctrination centers, known as public schools, are a disaster.

jim k, austin

And be sure and dumb down the smart students so as not to hurt the feelings of the stupid ones.

jim k, austin

Government projects such as No Chld Left Behind, Dare, the War on Drugs, etc, almost always are ineffective or downright destructive. And our current crop of presidential candidates want this same bunch to run health care. Go figure.

jim k, austin

Can you imagine what Mr. Emerson would say if he could see our public schools now.

jim k, austin

I'm sure that the folks who want to tell you what to eat, drink,drive , and where to live, etc , do it with the best of intentions. They are known as pests, or environmentalists, if you prefer.

jim k, austin

Mark twain said that he never let schooling get in the way of his education.

jim k, austin

When teachers are wrong, parents not only have a right to dictate to the teacher, they have an obligation to call the teacher to task. The best remedy is to get the kids out of public schools.

jim k, austin

Your children are hostages, more like prisoners. Maybe thats why so many schools look like prisons.

jim k, austin

Can't improve on what Bryan said.

jim k, austin

Bob of Eugene is right on. At least there is one person in tofu land with his head on straight.

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