Friedrich NietzscheFriedrich Nietzsche, (1844-1900) German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, philologist

Friedrich Nietzsche Quote

“What is the task of higher education? To make a man into a machine. What are the means employed? He is taught how to suffer being bored.”

Friedrich NietzscheFriedrich Nietzsche
~ Friedrich Nietzsche


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Me Again
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    Me Again    5/29/08

    I disagree with ths quote.The TRUE task of TRUE higher education is the positive development of the "Higher Self".To become a better person and to make this world a better place because we have been here.

    Dick, Fort Worth

    Me Again has it right.

    Bob Davis, North Yarmouth, ME

    The quotes I have been rceiving are good and interesting,but you need to BALANCE THEM WITH SOMETHING INSPIRING.

    jim k, austin

    This quote is exactly right. This isn't how it should be, but it's how it is. Mr Nietzche has spoken the truth.

    Anonymous, Reston, VA US

    It is sad that JimK's experience is so negative. Like MeAgain I've found those who want a positive experience out of the education process find it and celebrate it. BobDavis has a wonderful point, the quotes for the past week (or more) have been strangely one sided and highly negative...

    Mike, Norwalk
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    Mike, Norwalk Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/18/24

    The "A" from Reston, spoken like a true communist. If one is looking for support and expansion of theocratic slavery, that search epitomizes government seminaries' (schools) / socialism indoctrination (positive experience). If IQ expansion, knowledge, truth, prosperity, inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law measure a positive experience, government seminaries is/are NOT the answer. The statist theocracy's government seminaries (K — ...) are indoctrination centers to supply carnal gods with obedient cogs. That which is called continuing education (college, university, etc.) is nothing more than trade schools to supply the statist theocracy's desired direction for its/their perception of advancement.

    E Archer, NYC

    I'm with Jim on this one.

    Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

    It is a matter of outlook. The misanthropes will always see things this way. You can be about as happy and enolved in life as you want to be. Peer pressure can be a problem so parents need to supplement the educational process. I wonder what N. meant by higher education. We now generally consider it to be that beyond High School.

    warren, olathe

    Education is what you make of it. My daughter survived KU in recent years so it is still possible to get one in spite of the imbecile leftists that teach there. Don't care much for Mr. Superman "god is dead". Nietzsche or his buddy Adolph Hitler. I suspect that today's school system is what he would have approved of.

    Editor, Liberty Quotes

    We'll try to be a little more uplifting next week. Rattling cage doors cannot be avoided, however. :-) Cheers.

    Mike, Norwalk

    Though that hasn't been my experience, it does happen alot. Having had to wade through leftist dribble and otherwise slave propaganda, I and my family have gained certain knowledge in support of prospering our surroundings.

    Ken, Allyn, WA

    The ability to suffer being bored happens to be a very useful skill. I use it almost daily.

    Chris Morgan, Franklin, Pa.

    Higher education is horrible today! I have Proffesors that tell me this and I have Proffesors that say education is great. The question I pose is this, am I getting a job skill one which I need school for or am I just putting the time in to show that I have discipline, if that is the case. Then 6 years in the Marine Corps taught me nothing. Great quote, but hey as God would most likely comment, " hey Nietsche, your dead too"!!

    czar, Iran

    everything about Nietzsche is great..

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    Anonymous    3/11/09

    I also agree with Me Again.

    Mike, Norwalk

    One of my children has multiple degrees (continuing to get more) and has chosen to create wealth from nothing related to the received higher education's instruction. That child pursued liberal arts, talent related desires and other knowledge as were consistent with personal interests. Most look at higher education as a vocational pre-requisite. It can be that BUT, a major problem with that concept is when individuals graduate with advanced degrees in underwater basket weaving, badminton or otherwise - they think they deserve a high paying job and it will be offered them immediately upon graduation. Those that use higher education as a vocational step usually turn out to be anti-creative machines that can not think out-side the box they placed on themselves (I know exceptions to that rule). If higher education was just that - higher education - there would be a lot less suffering from boredom, a lot less socialists (Democrat to Republican, communist to fascist, neocon to progressive / democratic, etc.) and a lot more liberty, peace, prosperity, justice, creativity and expression of inalienable rights.

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

    Whatever Mr Nietzsche is referring, I honestly don't know.  The task of the educator is to direct you on the path of life, equipping you with the ability to reason. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create reasonable solutions.

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/20/24

    Yah, if I do something you kids don't understand you just say it's the work of the devil. If you would just give me a chance to explain how I did it, which you won't, you'll understand the process that I'm not the devil, but you won't because then you can't live in your existence of make believe. You don't have the human qualities of reason, I do.

    Mike, Norwalk
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    Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/20/24

    Sillik, hahaha, lololol  demonic maybe, delusional absolutely. Your mentally ill double speak (contradicting yourself at most every chance) couched in circular word salad only begins to describe your uniqueness. Human qualities of reason ? ? ?  (-; like, you can only be your ultimate self if you are a social plural  I say hmmm ;-). AND / WHILE, you have all the opportunity you desire "to explain how I (you) did it" here in this space; BUT / WHILE, it is only another fragment of your plurality that won't let you and is telling one of your personalities that you are the devil. Again, hahaha, lololol ;-) nobody in this reality has called you the devil.

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk 4/20/24

    Mike, Norwalk, hello the idea of responsible individual is to understand how the children process their cognitive formulations. Let me explain, the child does the "devil's work," but there's billions of them. So their vast numbers would not to enable them to be the devil. So, I don't do the "devil's work," but there's only one of me, so the child's logic concludes I must be the devil. The educator's goal is to simply eliminate the concept of the devil and persuade the children to become responsible and take the challenge of the adult. I am an educator. There is simply no devil, just a mass of confusion. The educator educates. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create the adult. 

    E Archer, NYC
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    E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/22/24

    If you are an educator, who are your students?  I doubt you have ANY.  Sincerely, you express nothing but platitudes, praise yourself constantly, display not an inkling of self-awareness, and demonstrate your lack of knowledge of political science, philosophy, and religion ad nauseum.  Delusions of grandeur, narcissism, egotism, and ignorance are your greatest claims to fame.  Seems like a typical progressive to me, yet you consider yourself its lone voice of sanity.  LOL!  I laugh out loud!

    My heart goes out to you, though, as you must be a very lonely person who has alienated himself from even those that share your utopian ideals.  If only you would listen to actual voices of sanity that even bother to engage with you...  It's sad really.

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

    Mr Archer, I have to admit I don't probably have to many students, I have myself.  A student must have a heart to be educated effectively. Mr Archer, I really don't believe you have a heart to send out to me. You judge me and everyone else by what I wear, the color of my skin, the length of my hair. That's the sign of no heart.  I am not alienated from the life process. You are not sane, in my estimate because you have no definition of sanity. You and your peers just go out and point fingers, say you are crazy.  You spend your time looking for the insane. I however look for the sane. Don't find much other myself, because no one else looks for sanity.  I know politics is not a science, it appears a hustle. The true statesman  is a scientist.  I do have the fame. It in your mental underdog called the subconscious. Mentally healthy individuals have no such device. Mentally healthy have only a conscious.  The quality voices speak out in the archives. Marilyn Monroe speaks of husbands, they were all nice at first. The producer wants to speak about the script, "that's the last thing on his mind, "the last time she had a date after three marriages, apparently she reported, was thirteen yrs old. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create. 

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/23/24

    Also to think negatively Mr Archer, of the life engine specifically progress and the progressive is to lack self and environmental awareness. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create the mental health advancement.

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/23/24

    Oh, one more thing Mr Archer my notoriety is your consciousness at this point, but you're just too much of a childish game player to admit it. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create full consciousness.

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/23/24

    Here's the deal, you knew Mrs Kennedy shot her husband, you where apart of the events of September 11, 2021 was also an accessory to the planned events of the COVID 19 was a plan to

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/23/24

    You brats didn't let me finish my last post, your specialty of  misrepresenting. I didn't know Mrs Kennedy shot her husband or the planned events of September 11, 2001 or the COVID 19 was the latest installment of mass suicide, but you did Mr Archer. I had to reason it all out and so I stand all alone in front of a bunch of kids with a "not to be" attitude. I have to to convince you single handedly to preserve the human dream. Not to be vs to be is child vs the adult oppositional attitude, I say please reconsider your position. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create the adult alternative.

    E Archer, NYC
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    E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/27/24

    Holy cow, you are losing it, man.  Please, pull yourself together.  Good for you to resist the "jab"  so did I. 

    As for not letting you finish your post, LOL, that's on you, no one can click the 'Save' button but you...  I can't imagine what it is like to be in your head-space, but I am beginning to get the picture,  Good luck with all that!

    E Archer, NYC
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    E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/27/24

    Fred, you project your ignorance.  I have no idea what you wear, the color of your skin, or the length of your hair, so how can you presume I am judging you by those characteristics?  I am responding solely to your own words, nothing else.  

    Your statements are filled with assumptions that fail to address the counterarguments to your own claims, especially regarding 'socialism'. Your views seem to be a blend of fascistic and communistic group-think, interspersed with utopian ideals that would be more appropriately left for individuals to decide, rather than being dictated by what you call your 'social abilities'.

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown E Archer, NYC 4/27/24

    And my I say to you Mr Archer, I state the denied true by the conventional populous. Your statements  express a fragmented list of terms that never really arrive at a relevant conclusion. It's a common pattern of a fragmented social arrangement of  fragmented beings who offer nothing but violence to the life process. The social being offer you refinement, order, respect, responsible behavior, love, support and understanding. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create. 

    E Archer, NYC
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    E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/29/24

    More projection, Fred, filled with generalizations and the tiresome repetition of your incoherent motto...  You can say it a thousand times, and it will still make no more sense.  Why do you keep harping on it?

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown E Archer, NYC 4/30/24

    Mr Archer, how witty, my intention is to repair your fragmented consciousness and then you will be fully conscious of your own being. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create a universal independent personal conscious. 

    E Archer, NYC
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    E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 5/1/24

    The challenge of socialism involves coaxing individual consciousness to conform to a Hegelian dialectic. Once sufficiently mesmerized, the lost soul becomes more susceptible to manipulation by their power-hungry leaders.

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown E Archer, NYC 5/1/24

    Mr Archer, your popular music states and it's always about your exploits, "never an honest word when I ruled the world." You are under the influence of Dialectical Materialism. The maximum wage of $4.25, $4.24, $4.23, etc will release you. Legislate it and welcome to Socialism. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create the maximum wage.

    E Archer, NYC
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    E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 5/5/24

    I beg to differ.  With a maximum wage of $4.25 you have communism  and you will get what you pay for.  Ask the Soviets who suffered under such delusions for 75 years.  Welcome to authoritarian dystopia.

    BTW, both communists and fascists call their form of government 'socialism,'  and your version is an infantile variation of the same.

    (I still don't understand how you presume what is "my" popular music... Don't you realize you know nothing about me?) 

    There appears to be no limit to your arrogance and ignorance.

    Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

    Mr Archer, I receive for every product I purchase a act of some sort. Everytime I hand over a portion of cash or card, I receive not just a product of purchase, but some kind of slight of hand, some dramatic act, some kind childish display of mindless, meaningless accompaniment that I suppose is designed to divert my mind from the low quality item I'm involving myself. The child's great dream was never to be a Walmart greeter or a cashier, but an Oscar winning thespian. We never receive the services of a Doctor, Lawyer, whatever, because the real dream of everyone is one illuminated on the hills of Hollywood. I, on the hand, am not an actor. I believe of my accumulated accomplishments is the first real authentic professional of an kind, the professional Socialist.   


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