Jesse Ventura Quote

“Government cannot be your parent.”

~ Jesse Ventura

quoted by Nick Gillespie, Populist Psychology, REASON p. 7 (March 1999)

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

The patriarchal police state, operating through statis theocracy despotism, has elevated itself to an anti-law / unjust god parent. The rabble (We The People') are reduced to bastard slaves.

Mike, Norwalk

When patrons of the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land make statements such as; "children do not belong to their parents, but are instead the responsibility of the members of their community." (from government's 4th branch) the parent gods have violated all that is moral and right, justice and the law of nature and nature's God. When the occupying statist theocracy's child services became the largest perpetrator of pedophilia (rape, mental torture, etc.) and other crimes against nature, the representative republic at law died. When the parent gods made rules for their bastard slaves (by way of example, compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes, larceny with immunity, and denial of inalienable rights) the once land of the free and home of the brave become a distant myth. ETC., ETC., ETC.

jim k, austin tx

Too many people think that government is their parent. A great quote from L. Neal Smith is as follows. "Government is a disease masquerading as it.s own cure."

watchman13, USA

It has been and must be the aim of socialism injected to our government to provide food and housing, now health care. For not the less fortunate, but for those, that have been pushed aside, via technology, chemicals and a number of innovations to better mankind. President Washington warned of these things, rising to power through pilfering the foodstuffs, and resources ( riches ) of the children of our nation. But greed turns a blind eye, and has sense its inception. When one removes the natal agent from their natural environment, they become a slave or die. So become a ward of the state. Generations do pass, and socialized clones appear. People do not want to die. And the government does through fear tactics, suppress those that would speak for the peoples real rights. To much in to few hands. Every one hates a middle man, cuff money, Conservatives, wealthy, have supported my right to contract many years, Taking my right to be free and at liberty literally. He is willing, they are also. But they are the biggest holder in the Bank. Perhaps more bold that others. I do not envy the wealthy, but feel sorry for this outcome, brought about by manipulation of a few, for innovations sake. There is always an education needed, that a skill is brought forth for trade. To take away, from the hands, the work, born for. Is the worse offence innovation has brought about.

E Archer, NYC

It's not that the government is acting like a parent, it is acting as our Lord and master. This is nothing but the same old game for the last 10,000 years. Remember that the 'government' is not some concept, but real people who hold power in their hands -- power that we give them by the fact that we obey whether out of fear or in hope of benefits. People can be as domesticated as beasts of burden, and the wild can be tamed out of them -- although there will always be those that are harder to break than others. ;-) True nobility is a man/woman of honor, integrity and courage -- all other virtues are dependent upon these first.


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