Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [51-75] of 563Posts from Jim k, Austin,TxJim k, Austin,Tx Previous 25 Next 25 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/18/11 re: Doug Bandow quote .... Give us this day our daily bread, it sure beats working for it. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/18/11 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Nancy, Ralph, Obama and the gang are working overtime on the last sentence in the quote. 3 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/15/11 re: Eric Schaub quote Remedial reading courses in colleges, does that tell you anything about our public schools when you have to teach a college student to read. As to the "birthers", the Obamunist could shut them up by just showing his birth certificate. And how about those college records he carefully hides ? 2 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/15/11 re: Mark Twain quote A very appropriate quote for April 15th, April fools day. 5 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/15/11 re: Mark Twain quote Valpo. Twain made fun of government over and over. I doubt that he was a liberal in the sense of what liberals are today, namely people who have severe mental problems. The liberal element in our government, both parties, has spent our country past bankruptcy and Twain would never have approved of this. 2 Reply Jim k, Austin,Tx 4/14/11 re: Josef Stalin quote I was a little surprised to see my reply above since I had not yet replied to this quote. That being said I agree to it even though I didn't send it. 3 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/13/11 re: Helen Hegener quote Sorry I missed yesterdays quotes. Waffler, you said that Hitler was a right wing conservative, are you kidding. You've said some pretty stupid things before, but this one tops them all. Hitler was a left wing socialist if ever there was one. 3 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/13/11 re: Mark Twain quote Editor, please, in the future run the quotes past Professor Waffler before putting them in our email. And to keep the Professor happy, you could throw in a few quotes from Chairman Mao now and then. 6 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/13/11 re: Isabel Paterson quote Waff, the quotes are fine, it's your replies that are beyond ignorant. 5 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/13/11 re: Helen Hegener quote Waff, wrong again. Home schooled kids almost always do better on tests than public schooled kids. The above quote is correct, Ms Hegener knows what she is talking about. Our public schools are a mess. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/8/11 re: B. F. Skinner quote And government likes to keep people helpless and dependent. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/8/11 re: Benito Mussolini quote He was probably talking about government controlled schools. 2 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/8/11 re: C. S. Lewis quote Self Esteem is the big thing nowadays. After all, we wouldn't want to hurt one of the little darlin's feelings, even if he can't spell his own name. C.S. hit the nail on the head and perfectly describes todays public schools. 2 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/7/11 re: Abraham Lincoln quote I'm not much of a Lincoln fan and I really don't care whether he said this or not, but it is certainly true. 4 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/7/11 re: Albert Einstein quote 10 stars at least. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/6/11 re: Hendrik van Loon quote J Carlton, if you ever run for president, you have my vote. 3 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/6/11 re: Dr. Samuel Johnson quote The last line of the quote reminded me of a limerick, as follows. "There once was a man named Nesser, whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser, it at last grew so small he knew nothing at all, and now he's a college professor." 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/6/11 re: Daniel Boorstin quote As someone on this very site once said, " Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers." This is usually proven around election time. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/4/11 re: Laurence J. Peter quote The Peter Principle, one great book. It explains why every organization eventually has bad management somewhere along the way. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/1/11 re: Henry David Thoreau quote Well said J and Mike. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/1/11 re: Benjamin Franklin quote tori, Maybe you need another boy friend or maybe he needs another girl friend. Did either of you finish 4th grade in less than 3 years..?? Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 4/1/11 re: Abraham Lincoln quote From a man who wanted to centralize power in Washington so bad that he was willing to invade the South at the cost of over 600,000 American lives. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 3/31/11 re: Calvin Coolidge quote You work hard to earn it and the government works hard to steal it from you. 2 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 3/31/11 re: Christopher Bullock quote One advantage to death, it only happens once while taxes occur every day. They are especially onerous around April 15th each year. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 3/30/11 re: Ulysses S. Grant quote Jury nullification works pretty well but too bad that 99% of juries have no knowledge of it. Most lawyers have never heard of it, just ask the next one you meet. In any trial, the defendent and the law are both to be judged. If the law is bad, the jury can vote not guilty and thus effectively nullify that law. Your chance of ever hearing a judge mention this at a trial is roughly the same as winning the lottery. Give a man a gavel and a black robe and he thinks he's God. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print