Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [76-78] of 78Posts from Abigail, NewportAbigail, Newport Previous 25 Reply Abigail, Newport 5/14/10 re: Eric Hoffer quote One cannot lift another unless he is standing. 2 Reply Abigail, Newport 5/14/10 re: Aristotle quote Social justice is impossible unless we become robots. There are too many drones and not enuff worker bees. I will work for what I can earn and share my excesses as I see fit. Anything less and we are not a free people. Reply Abigail, Newport 5/6/10 re: Roger Scruton quote Can we get off GWB now? So much more damage has taken place since his departure...much faster and getting worse. This corporatism is going to kill this country. Let us please move forward, retake our country at the polls, turn the ship around...we can do this and must do this and it must start today with your help! We can sit here and chat on this site, or we can actually go out into the community and speak with real people who will be voting...those people don't know what to do...they are in distress about their liberty; their sovereignty. We think we have answers, let us not keep them on this narrow little page, but rather share them with ever widening audiences. We must tell people not to vote for that person they see smiling on tv every 15 minutes when there are real Constitutionalists running, who will be on ballots, and have no money for television ads...but rather good will for the country. We need to do this and start TODAY! Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print