Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 78Posts from Abigail, NewportAbigail, Newport Next 25 3 Reply Abigail, Newport 4/15/11 re: Royce Van Norman quote Subject is too humor in it. Schools do not teach liberty. Schools do not teach individualism. 2 Reply Abigail, Newport 4/15/11 re: Mark Twain quote gun control works: Hitler, Mao, Castro, Lenin, Kim...worked for them... drug wars work...they EMPLOY the drug cartels, the public official on the take, the police, the military, the border patrol, the sheriffs, the DEA, the FBI, the TFA, the jails, the judges and other court workers, the CIA, there are certainly more that I have missed here-OH the federal government who follows the guns by letting them 'walk' .... Everyone of those agencies are paid for by the tax payer, and are government authority. It would not do to legalize these drugs for there would be 10s of thousands of people out of a very authoritative job; and it would make sense then to close the borders. 2 Reply Abigail, Newport 4/13/11 re: Helen Hegener quote Does your 13 year old son have any thoughts about the myth of the Trojan Horse and today? 1 Reply Abigail, Newport 4/7/11 re: Abraham Lincoln quote My education in the 50s was quite good so I trusted the 60s to do well with my kids...wrong! They know nothing about this country...I blew it as a parent. You must pay attention! 1 Reply Abigail, Newport 4/6/11 re: Hendrik van Loon quote We are already in "even more trouble" and we need far more/better people to get us out. So, thank God there are people out there who realize it. Pray God, there are enuff of us to get us out of the trouble we are in! 1 Reply Abigail, Newport 4/4/11 re: Kevin Killion quote I don't know a lot of 6 year olds that are all that responsible...and that is when their little critical thinking patterns are being developed... We have a current situation where parents of the little ones were also raised by this progressive school system...and those raised before that were done so with the trust of the parents who received a good lulled us asleep at the wheel....and that must change right now. Reply Abigail, Newport 3/30/11 re: Ulysses S. Grant quote this law needs to be scrubbed Reply Abigail, Newport 3/30/11 re: Winston Churchill quote The Bible is filled with war. After a long life in which we have been in many wars, I have come to believe that Washington is correct...we should not be involved in the cultures of others and should be open to trade with all. It is not our business. However, we should always have a strong, modern defense at hand. Our current administration has blown it for this country. I don't know but what it is to late to change...we have no defense...and our government is offensive. 3 Reply Abigail, Newport 3/28/11 re: Lysander Spooner quote it is always WAR...war on drugs, war on obesity, because people can be gathered together to fight a pay for a war...for it can be forced upon them 'for their own good'. Soon it will be the war on consumption, the war on private property, we already are seeing the war on the rich.... Reply Abigail, Newport 3/24/11 re: William H. Rehnquist quote What about 'similarly situated' ... that is the key here...people are in all sorts of situations allowing for all sorts of treatment therefore. 1 Reply Abigail, Newport 3/22/11 re: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quote You need to pay a little more attention to Ron Paul-one of my favorite people...he certainly does not believe that people should not accomplish what ever they desire, even if it is just 2 cars and lots of clothes. You will have to come up with a greater reason, and a bigger plan, to end this...and RP has not said he would run...he is at least 72 now...not that age and wisdom aren't important...but will he have energy? He hasn't said. We have other possiblities to look at: Haley Barbour, Herman Cain for a couple...just look.... Reply Abigail, Newport 3/22/11 re: Thomas Sowell quote Gee, Theo, have you even read Sowell? Me thinks not...or you may be able to think a little more clearly. Reply Abigail, Newport 3/22/11 re: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quote I think this is a good example. The family has been destroyed, leaving Mothers no option but to work outside the home so there is no one there to teach self responsibility, self reliability, self sufficiency and self respect. Fathers are in an out of the picture. Many don't marry because it isn't necessary with all the government programs that are available. I am angered at the younger folks who are so self centered they think it unnecessary to give a child his/her mom and dad BOTH, but they think it old fashioned to think that way. I have lived too long. 1 Reply Abigail, Newport 3/21/11 re: Paul Craig Roberts quote history repeats 1 Reply Abigail, Newport 3/17/11 re: Milton Friedman quote gee theo, you must have gone to school in the liberal US where you are not taught to think for yourself...Jitendra is in a democracy, not a republic. They have a cast system, not an equal opportunity system. Standing side by side, however, I have an idea he knows a lot more about your country than you know about his. Tally 'o Reply Abigail, Newport 3/17/11 re: Milton Friedman quote What do public an union have in common: u and i who pay for them so they can charge dues to have the money to choose who they want to be in power. This does nothing good for you and I. Reply Abigail, Newport 3/17/11 re: Milton Friedman quote From the newpaper today..... "...As for “fair and balanced,” here’s another comment by Mr. Schiller: “It’s much more about anti-intellectualism than it is political. A university also by definition is considered in this country to be liberal even though it’s not at all liberal. It’s liberal because it’s intellectual, the pursuit of knowledge, and that is traditionally something that Democrats have funded and Republicans have not funded.” Put to the side for the moment the arrogant insinuation that the right lacks an intellectual basis for its positions. Mr. Schiller’s claim that universities are not bastions of liberalism is itself remarkable. In 1999, in the most definitive study of the ideological and political identities of college professors conducted to date, the North American Academic Study Survey (NAASS) interviewed 1,643 college professors from 183 colleges and universities and discovered that among humanities faculty, 62% identified themselves as Democrats and 77% as liberals, compared to 6% Republican and 8% conservative. The numbers for social scientists were 55% and 66% Democrat/liberal, and 7% and 8% Republican/conservative. A February 2011 piece in The New York Times provides further evidence of academia’s leftward tilt. The piece describes evidence of liberal bias unearthed by respected UVA psychologist Jonathan Haidt. When Dr. Haidt asked the roughly 1,000 Ph.D.’s in the audience at a recent conference if they would describe themselves as liberals, more than 800 raised their hands. Then Dr. Haidt asked for libertarians and centrists to identify themselves — about three dozen answered the call. When the conservatives were asked to stand up and be counted, a grand total of three bravely raised their hands (Dr. Haidt has also done research on why the left is so apoplectic about the Tea Party)." Dr. Richard Brake is Co-Chair of ISI’s National Civic Literacy Board. Reply Abigail, Newport 3/17/11 re: Milton Friedman quote Reply Abigail, Newport 3/17/11 re: Milton Friedman quote I can spell...but my fingers are as old as I and it is more difficult to control them. '...of the people'...I wish I were young...but I will fight for right in these later years..... 1 Reply Abigail, Newport 3/17/11 re: Milton Friedman quote We no longer have a government of the people, for the people, by the stated in Lincon's famous speech. We have 'of the self imposed few, for the few, and they do it by robbing the many with impunity. Our country has been ruled, regulated, spent, borrowed, and taxed out of a free enterprise system. All the wise men are dead and we have only the tyrants left. All the statesmen are dead and we only have politicians left. But some believe we can restore what was...and we need help...from real men and women. Those not wishing to see a free nation and would rather live where someone else makes all of their decisions should leave immediately for a place where all choice/decision is made for them. I realize that a 'serfers life' is desired for many....but not for the true citizen of the United States...we have virtue, we have strength, we will fight for freedom of the individual, the laws of this country, by voting out the bad guys until we have people who will restore our land to its great potential. Reply Abigail, Newport 3/16/11 re: Thomas A. Edison quote As one still has a mind, it seems that one would put it to more use than watching games on computers and using ones thumbs to accomplish something...points on a game. They are being trained and seem to like it. Mesmerize them with the little games and they won't care if there is no sovereignty of person or place. No work, goes the propaganda, is necessary, for the government will care for you. And the thumb users are good with that. Reply Abigail, Newport 3/16/11 re: Thomas Jefferson quote ...right, it is fascism at this time.... Reply Abigail, Newport 3/15/11 re: Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quote Does a psycopath have a heart? A concience? They are born defective. Amazingly, they are now in a position to run the world...and it seems quite okay with the population at large. Baaa Baaaa Reply Abigail, Newport 3/15/11 re: Josiah Quincy quote Standing.... Reply Abigail, Newport 3/10/11 re: Latin Proverb quote Standing, still standing. Resisting, still resisting. We are here and we need you all to help hold the line, not redraw the line. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print