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Posts from Anon, anon

Anon, anonAnon, anon
anon, anon

Then, came nobama, the messia....???? And all the mice followed him, to thier doom. Like lemmings , not having any wisedom, ....change, we can believe in...yep. NOW look at the mess that has to be cleaned up...and the damage done to our nation. Only one good thing has come of this, it has awakened America, and made its citizens choose sides. And paved the way to educate all, to the reality of the world we live in. Hopefuly, we will survive this, without war. All ive seen the current admin do is hurt our nation, hand outs are ok, if one is hungry, but there would be no need for that, if the current admin were not socialists, and communists, not all, but one is too many.Free enterprise is the only answer,[within the law] bringing back the industial base, and then watch people succeed, become prosperous, and most of all, letting a man be a man, earn his own money, and know the price one pays for success, and feel the pride that comes with hard work, and a job well done. what can obama say he has done for this nation?? Besides cause more fear, more uncertainty, put us ALL at more risk, and put us all deeper in debt. disrespecting the military commanders. All this being said, this election, THINK hard. Vote for the America we all know will succeed. A strong america with a strong military and people. Our military is still strong, but, with the current admin, how long? before we wake up to find, we are in great peril, that day could be here right now, how would we know? From an admin who do most all in secret. obama and the current admin has lost thier credibility, failed miserably, what is ...is, lets go foward, and change America back to what we know. It CAN be fixed, without selling our land to the rest of the world. the american man and woman, are resorcfull, and in two short years, we can bring it all back. yes, we must change a few things, back to the real law, the constitution. many [too many] say "i cant do anything about it" i beg to differ, each mans voice is heard, one conversation with another, can change minds. YOU the people have the power to change things, one family at a time, one person at a time, main thing, make sure they are able to understand history, and reality. Some people cant take the strait raw truth, they become afraid, and get real quiet. Now is the time for all good men [and women] to come to the aid of thier country, AGAIN. We all pretty much know what the problem is, now, hopefully, the big boys will start up the work agin, so working profesionals , like me, can start to rebuild this country, and pass on to this generation, the ethics of work, and give men purpose ..without purpose, a man is nothing. never give up, never give in.

anon, anon

Too many laws and not enough justice, methinks.

anon, anon

"No state shall ..." , but what about the federal government? We have, here in the U.S., at present, 50 "states". Poli Sci 101 student

anon, anon

concerning title of nobility, looks like they forgot obammy, their God..a worthless neophite

anon, anon

Taxation, without representation, sound familiar? NOW is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their fellow countrymen. We ned a modern day paul revere.

anon, anon

The last time I believe they let anyone in the fort Knox facility was in the 40s. It sure makes me wonder if there is ANY gold in there now? The very essence of this nation, was the ability to own property, and gold, not too long ago, the government told the people turn in all your gold, many didn't, many did. Many also think Kennedy was killed because of the law he was about to sign, it would have restored the silver certificate, and the gold. Right after his taking office, pres Johnson made sure that law never had a chance. Many of us know the truth, our problem is, what do we do about it? Like the movie, 'Legends of the Fall,' Americans were free at one time. Now, only a few hang on, knowing the truth. At least the new generation was told, and know, the way it should be. Thank you for this quote, a reminder of the dastardly deeds done. And hopefully restoration of a constitutional government. Hopefully without bloodshed.

anon, anon

Someway, somehow, take our country back, at any cost

anon, anon

terry, precisely, I have lived long enough, to see all my family pass away, your words are so true, its a cycle, then it starts over again, when those who paid the ultimate price are gone, along with what they learned, the neophytes are all that are left.Its easy to manipulate a young man, for that same reason there is an age limit in the military, they want no one to question the orders. And jim, yes sir, this war on drugs must be stopped, it is a business, and the incarceration of our people, kills the spirit, it all comes down to the one thing we all know, we are NOT free, our nation has become one big prison, with ignorant people with badges. They should pray real hard, because someday, it will reach a point where there are more people locked up than so called free, then the bloodshed will begin, and it wont be pretty.

anon, anon

Robert, you only forgot one thing, yes sir, ignorance, religion, hatred, and last but not least, oil. Now, we are in so deep, logic dictates a great war, coming soon to this planet. Humans just dont live long enough to get it right, by the time most reach the truth, thier life is over, and sadly, the power is handed to neophites.

anon, anon

Need to know, compartmentalization

anon, anon

Its time to find another means of communication, as the net has about 3 more months or less, then No privacy at all. Underground is the only way now.

anon, anon

Sit down and shut up judge, we the people will decide, not a liberal judge.or a kangaroo court

anon, anon

After readin all of the comments and really thinking what he said I DO believe its wayyyyy past time for revolution, it was durin the Civil War that we tried last time. Maybe we too should water the already soaked field in Gettysburg. We must come to grips with he fact that life is 100% fatal, and realize that death is nothin to be feared, but an old friend. Yes it is treason to discuss things like this, but which would you rather have. Jobs and i mean real jobs will return. factories will boom again, fields will grow, real industry will once again be a major part of life. Or we can bitch softly and fear big brother will put a black hood on your head. As you live your normal safe life. My family heritage goes back to the settlement in Jamestown Virginia. My family has bled in EVERY major war for liberty. Have a cuz in iraq right now. Their blood and sweat and some of their lives will NOT be for nothing. Fear makes the wolf look bigger.

anon, anon

Keep your guns.........no matter what, keep a way to defend yourselves

anon, anon

VERY APPROPRIATE.........now, what do we do?

anon, anon

Me thinks this is very appropriate for our time now, another way to tell the masses of the asses to wake up!! before they awake in a land in which they are complete slaves, basically in a big prison, the walls are invisble, but none the less there

anon, anon

heavy, our freedom is at stake, and the writer writes immortally.

anon, anon

Only in the mindset of our forefathers, and great ones, will we find wisdom to fight the evil

anon, anon

And in the spirit of "the babe" we ALL need to push on to ensure this republic stays free.

anon, anon

I can't even begin to say it all, suffice to say, the old world, was only 30 years ago, faster and faster we go, like a black train, with no driver, no brakes.

anon, anon

Liberty is in great danger, believe it folks, its true, and you wonder why so many dont care, because they know not history, they know not the truth, they give up all, they are sheep, the last of the free men post here, I will die free at least.

anon, anon

NOW people, look at the new IRS law, you MUST declare your guns, and pay a tax, $50.00. You are definitely not trusted, yes people, the beginning of the end of freedom. AT LEAST TALK to your friends, and vote the usurper out.

anon, anon

Sounds just like someone in office right now.

anon, anon

Proves he is a socialist, and is a GREAT danger to freedom. Isthat waht you want?? More control, more taxes?/ and if you do not compy, PRISON, or ya just disapear, anyway, nobama is not running this country, study to find out who is.you will be shocked, and you will be afraid.

anon, anon

Been watching the courts work kangaroo style for over 30 years, either we the people stand up and speak out or surely soon ALL freedoms will be gone, and we will find ourselves living in a total police state [which is about how it is now] The constitution is the answer. One thing i have learned, NEVER take a "DEAL" NEVER let a judge decide your fate. Put your faith in the jury, state your case and rely on 12 people, not a jaded judge.

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