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Posts from Bob, Mountain View

Bob, Mountain ViewBob, Mountain View
Bob, Mountain View

The English never ratified a constitution, and our idiocrats think one written by slavers and ratified 223 years ago serves!

NOOOOOO! Got Windows 2000? It's JUNK. Come on, MAN. We need a new operating system, OK?

And what part of a dead Iglis has noticed the Brits tried to warn us about bin Laden and Al Qaida's imminent 911 attacks, with French, Mossad, Bill Clinton, CIA, and tons of little people, including a moderate Taliban Chief, but GW Bush took the August 6, 2001 CIA memo and ran off, to end up, with Jeb, in Florida?

The Brits also tried to warn us, when the IJN was in the water, on the way, to Pearl, where FDR had moved the Pacific Fleet, and the Navy had its own decoded messages, never mind IJN 25, the USS Ward shot a sub, never mind the radar, BUT PEARL DIDN'T ALERT, the Philippines fell, and everybody got shot up, including Niseis, who suffered General Order 9066 and interrment, WITH LOSS OF THEIR PROPERTY.

The cure for THIS misconduct is a NEW CONSTITUTION, never mind tipping your rogering hat, since the Brits don't have a constitution, and Americans are too DDD, to notice ours is junk, written by slavers, maintained by activist courts and bureaucrats, who are virtual slavers.

If you think we get more guns at the riot, just because no competent court noticed a riot, YET, you have another guess, coming. Can you SMELLLLLL, what Barack is cooking?

Bob, Mountain View

The reason no bureaucrats in the US are good is the US Constitution was written, by slavers, to protect imagined, ancient rights, of white men, particularly those, which owned slaves.

We've migrated, through the machine age, into the computer age, but in the midst of idiocrats, and after four years, of an Obamney Presidency, I don't see much, in the way of suggestions, how we need a constitutional convention, an end to senates, the electoral college, and misconduct, but hey, we need better security and process, to maintain RIGHTS.

You all might think of that, before we have nothing LEFT. Can you SMELLLLLL, what Barack is cooking?

Climate change, with failure of physical and funding infrastructure are like guns, pointed at our heads, allowed by bureaucrats, which shot us, already, but some of you are so dead in the head, you don't even know you are wounded!!!

Our legal infrastructure failed, ALREADY. It can't keep up, with Sharia Law, so don't be surprised, how our corrupt POTUS and his droning Hildog had no kibbitzing, with proposed articles, for the violent Arab Spring. Hey, if they showed any talent, at suggesting articles, for a NEW CONSTITUTION, our idiocrats would want one, over here. Just saying . . .

Bob, Mountain View

Peace wil only be achieved, by better constitutional composition and enforcement, neat of SENATES, electoral college, and misconduct.

Since USCA 2 was to protect gun possession, by state militias, charged with SLAVE REVOLT SUPPRESSION, and I don't own slaves, and all sorts of dweebs are ranting, about how we should not notice riot OR the need, for a new constitution, but we should get more guns, at the riot, hey now!

Did anyone notice GW Bush walked, after making sure 911 happened, and then he lied, about WMDs, to get two wars and privatize Iraq's oil? Did anyone notice Barney the 1st dog died?

Doggies are nice animals, but if you let them get fresh, hey now. But even if you name one of them Congressman Frank, and he humps your leg, he'll NEVER shoot you and rant about how you should have got a gat, to protect yourself.

If you think we need 223-y.o. constitutional media, written by slavers, to define our interactions, you are mighty crazy. Look. Your phone can't use Windows 2000. It's a NO-BRAINER. You aren't in a slave militia. If there's a riot, and you want a gun, you need to get a smarter lawyer or 20 of them, or bang-stick gonna go bye-bye.

Can you SMELLLLLL, what Barack is cooking?

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