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Posts from Dave Wilber, saint Louis

Dave Wilber, saint LouisDave Wilber, saint Louis
Dave Wilber, Saint Louis

There are only two possible economic systems; barter and slavery. God com-manded a barter system: "Thou shalt not steal." The Constitution mandates a barter system of gold and silver coins. Art.1. Sec. 10. Money does not exist in a barter system though gold and silver were eroneously called "money" when in fact, they are wealth. You might say the genesis of today's problem was when too many were falsely calling gold and silver "money." Eventually, reciepts that promised payment of gold and silver were called "money" and finally promiseless paper was called money. Far too many so-called "money experts" have nothing to say about legal tender which constitutes legal slavery. Lincoln issued his infamous greenbacks as legal tender that made it possible for our misleaders to take everything without paying for anything, His contemporary, Horace Greeley said Lincoln's money system "was no less cruel than the old system of chatel slavery" and this is the system that we use today. When all of the world's problems are made possible with paper tokens that the first users get for nothing, a solution to the world's problem cannot include paper tokens that the first users get for nothing but unfortuneatly many many "fictional reserve fanaticd promote just that. Here are the words of a nathionally known minister on legal tender: www.morpix.biz/god

Dave Wilber, Saint Louis

The late Merrill Jenkins, Monetary Realist, said: "If you don't have information, you are unaware. If you ignore information, you are ignorant. He invented the dollar bill changer and wrote 7 books with the first title being "Money", The Greatest Hoax On Earth, It took me 10 months to undersand that title. His last 6 books are free at: www.morpix.biz/x15

Dave Wilber, Saint Louis

2 of the greatest problems; the impossibility of seeking the truth when you believe that you have it and the zeal with which deceived people defend their deception.

Dave Wilber, Saint Louis

Democracy is a matter of convincing the majority that evil is good, good is evil and that those who resist evil shall be ridiculed and punished, God forbids it, Ex.23:2 and the Constitition precludes it, Art.4,Sec.4 The limited republic is out and unlimited democracy is in! www.morpix.biz/dc

Dave Wilber, Saint Louis

With his unconstitutional and God forbidden legal tender acts, the "great emancipator" made slaves of us all and made communism possible. Horace Greeley was "honest" Abe's contemporary and of Lincoln;s money system he said it was "n less cruel than the old system of chatel slavery." The trickery and treachery used to gain acceptance of his legal tender "greenbacks" is documennted in: Treatise on Monetary Reform, one of Merrill Jenkins free books found here: www.morpix.biz/x15 and Rushdoonys "God, The Devil and Legal Tender" is here: www.morpix.biz/god

Dave Wilber, Saint Louis

When government takes everything without paying for anything, a slave state exists. There is no branch of government spending money or paying anyone for anything. If you believe that our misleaders spend money, why don't you accept my offer of 100 pounds of money for just describing the money they spend, :I have been making this offer for 29 years. We would have no wars if soldiers and suppliers had to be paid dollars of money. Everyone pretends we are paid with checks that no bank will give money for. All they offer of us is paper and copper tokens. "None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe that they are free."--Johann W. von Goethe

Dave Wilber, Saint Louis

Marx must have read the Bible or at least the Book of Proverbs: "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he slall not depart from it." Pr. 22:6 So from that, he made "free education in public schools" one of the 10 planks of his Communist Manifesto. Train up deceived children and when they are old, they will remain deceived. Only United States citizens are subject to the draft. Most Americans are not United States citizens but schools don't teach this fact and we have had thousands killed in military service when they were not required to register. I have 2 pages by edrivera@edrivera.com that may clarify this. Some understand that United States citizens are those who live in the District of Columbia or the territories or are immigrants while other Americans are citizens of their respective states. Get a draft registration card at your Post Office. If you google United States citizenship. I don't think you see any indication that people born to citizens of the United States of America will be found there. A prominent lawyer says children born to illegal immigrants have no birthright to citizenship.

Dave Wilber, Saint Louis

With his unconstitutional legal tender acts, Lincoln made every war since his time possible, in fact, he made commun-ism possible in that his acts made it possible for our misleaders to take everything wehile paying for nothing. His contemporary, Horace Greeley said that Lincoln/s money system "was no less cruel than the old system of chatel slavery. For the trickery used to gain the people's acceptance of his legal tender, open: www.morpix.biz/x15 and scroll down to : Treatise On Monetary Reform by Merrill Jenkins.

Dave Wilber, Saint Louis

One from Emerson, stuck in my mind almost 30 years: "The louder he spoke of honor, the faster we counted our spoons."

Dave Wilber, saint Louis

When government takes everything and pays for nothing, we have slavery. WHY will no one accept my offer of 100 pounds of money for just describing the money that our misleaders spend? They spend nothing and pay for nothing. They just keep writing checks that satisfy rather than pay the slaves. For the checks, banks will give us dollar bills that the IRS said "are not dollars."

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