Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-44] of 44Posts from Dick Trice, Fort WorthDick Trice, Fort Worth Previous 25 1Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 10/17/05 re: Justice William O. Douglas quote Wrong. Justice Douglas, one of the better ones, must have written this early in his career. The Constitution was designed to be a government OF the people, to protect all its people from the greedy who prey on others, whether by taking over the government or otherwise. The government envisaged by the framers was not foreseen as riding the backs of its people. 8Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 10/14/05 re: Fredrich August von Hayek quote Simon said it for all. Von Hayek would have loved George Bush. 2Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 10/12/05 re: Edmund Burke quote Just think: the omnipotence of a creator who in his omnicience creates a law and then permits or commands it to be treated as offal. What kind of cognitive dissonance is that? 5Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 10/10/05 re: Henry Grady Weaver quote The kind of freedom Mr. Weaver speaks of is the freedom to take advantage, to use any means fair or foul, to resist any and all laws that offer protection and attempt to insure justice for the underprivileged or less skilled in self advancement. In short, his kind of freedom leads to oligarchy or autocracy. 1Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 9/30/05 re: Stephen P.Halbrook quote Another ignorant interpretation of guns and their influence by the gun nuts. It made no difference in Germany whether its citizens had guns or not. When Hitler acquired control of the press and of the people by his mesmerizing demagoguery any guns owned by the people would have been aimed just where Hitler wanted them to be. That same demagoguery, minus a literate leader, has attained the same mind control in this country as existed in Germany. Dictatorship depends on the quality of understanding by the people, not the prevalence of guns. 1Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 9/21/05 re: Thomas Jefferson quote From the mind of a real citizen of the world as shown here to the illiteracy and imbecility in our present occupier of the world's most powerful seat. Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 9/13/05 re: Andrew Carnegie quote I think it is meaningless quotation not worth repeating. 2Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 8/18/05 re: Michael Taylor quote Altruism and voluntary cooperation don't just atrophy without control, they die a sudden death in the face of laissez faire greed. It is the absence of state control that metastisizing greed becomes addictive and destructive to human potential. 1 Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 8/15/05 re: Richard Mitchell quote An excellent expression of truth. Unusually fine observation seldom realized by even good thinkers. 2 Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 6/3/05 re: John Locke quote The problem is the people are too ignorant to know that they have been warred upon until everything is lost. Mass brainwashing of the people by the powerful has never been as efficient and complete as it is now. Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 6/1/05 re: William Carr quote For a nation to maintain its own actions are not subject to standards of peace relevant to all other countries is like saying an individual is subject to no laws whatsoever. It's lunacy. 1Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 6/1/05 re: Bill Clinton quote Only uneducated or unintelligent people think the world can continue without relinquishing national sovereignty. 3Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 5/20/05 re: H. L. Mencken quote I admire Mencken greatly but this is one of his few statements that do not ring true. If one considers Negroes non-humans then it makes sense. As it were, the Negro population of the South didn't count in Mencken's mind. They certainly were not voting to remain in slavery. 1Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 4/16/05 re: Lysander Spooner quote Another noxious expression reflecting the swallowing whole of demagogic propaganda by the Nietzschean capitalists who laugh up their sleeve at the poor fools who carry out the duplicitous schemes for swindling the poor and ignorant. There is no excuse for repeating such inflammatory perniciousness in your quotations. 37Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 4/12/05 re: J. C. Watts, Jr. quote I think Watts doesn't have a clue how much those taxes provide for him and for other dumb-butts like him who live in the richest and safest and freest society he and they have been the benefactors through no sweat or blood or misery of their own. Taxes are a small price to pay for everything he receives in return. And their and our taxes would even be less if we had fewer corrupt politicians like him. 1Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 3/15/05 re: Publius Terentius Afer quote Another pitiful excuse for utter selfishness. 4Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 3/15/05 re: George Pataki quote I agree with daigu, nowheresville, or whoever. A disgusting, unprincipled quotation by another ignorant governor. 12Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 2/7/05 re: James A. Traficant, Jr. quote What Marx or anyone has said about the progressive income tax is irrelevant. The fact is that it is the least regressive and most fair tax devised. Sales taxes may seem to the unthinking and uncaring as fair but are in truth representative of social darwinism. The greater the wealth the greater benefit from government in security, education, health services, etc. Graduated income tax should be considered most fair by all. After all, consider an annual wealth tax. Which is not a bad idea itself. 4Reply Dick Trice, Fort Worth 2/7/05 re: William R. Mattox, Jr. quote A humanitarian government costs money to operate. As long as it remains relatively free of corruption by the rich and powerful this is a small price for all the benefits government provides. Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print