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Posts from Don Lee, RENO

Don Lee, RENODon Lee, RENO
Don Lee, RENO

I'm going to give this one star simply because economic utility is left out, and John Mill the first socialist vehemently used them in conjunction. Like H2O without the right mixture it's not the right product. 

Don Lee, Reno

I like it. The DOI was used to break away from the anti Gun nut King III, the Constitution came much later and put the DOI into mothballs until certain Marxists revived after 1847 and they were activists on the SC. Human Rights that came from this violent and obtuse philosophy has no place among judges, only the 10 passed in the Constitution are the ones that are to be defended. Either keep the peace with what we have or bring about violence with what you make up.

Don Lee, Reno

Lincoln along with his abolitionists appointed SC activists and went against the Constitution in the Dred Scott case. What is the moral of this story, that he is exactly what he warned of, a deceiver. 

Don Lee, RENO

Again, Freud does the cryptic Marxist explanation of what love is, not the Christian power of love, beauty, art, pastoral and self love. He's dark and sardonic. 

Don Lee, Reno

So she comes from a Bolshevik school of eastern principles, eastern thoughts. The fact of the matter is, western govt was created to protect private property, it's not a carte blanche to blame all bureaucrats as her eastern type epistemology does. It's not always about greed, it's about using the western archetypes for a more suitable and purposefilled life.

Don Lee, Reno

Not at all. Communism was gangster rule ie the peasants, Lenin released prisoners and they wiped out the Russian Military leadership, whereas Nazis leaders were the Army and well educated. The author is an alarmist not based in historical fact, indeed a moral relativist himself.

Don Lee, Reno

Not at all. There is a vast difference, to just name one of the thousands of differences. Communism issued script and Nazis had gold back currency. ie property based money. The author here is ignorant.

Don Lee, Reno

Fascism saved Europe from Communism. The two are very different and to associate them as being the same is moral relativism. 

Don Lee, Reno

Jefferson was duplicitous, and I know why George and John didn't like him. 

Don Lee, Reno

Money is still manipulated by amalgamation by the state in the silver and gold standards. But the quote is a prophecy since Germany's monarchy was destroyed in WWI by these bankers and Europe today is in tatters and ruins for it. 5 stars for knowing the consequences.

Don Lee, Reno

True, the evil comes from your heart. "for the LOVE of money is the root of all evil..this verse shows covetous

Don Lee, Reno

wrong..money cannot cause evil, money is just a convenient way to trade in the market

Don Lee, Reno

False. Fear is what makes us plan, invent and invest for the future, without it there is famine, theft and starvation. Fear of your children going hungry is moral.

Don Lee, Reno

False. The errors are by the gatekeepers, ie politicians. No one is a single issue voter. It doesn't exist, and no reason what so ever to assume it is their abberation.To assume otherwise is to find a general of an army completely innocent of battle he lost. I agree with Patrick, Galbrath is some elitist not in touch with true democractic ideals.

Don Lee, Reno

True, all western govts were invented to protect property, it was the market who wrote the original laws of equality based on monetary values.

Don Lee, Reno

False. The Founders were 97% Anglo Saxons, and such it was a very very old civilization based on idealism and not materialism. Materialism gradually seeped in over the century and a half when he wrote this.The author is a Quasi Marxist from the looks of it. The brunt of the attacks by materialists are on the original colonist descendants, slurs such as Crackers. This quote is entirely inappropriate given the history of America.

Don Lee, Reno

I think you guys are not theologians is what I think. Leviticus and Deuteronomy are both books for laws in a covenant society, not part of a Greco Roman Civil Law society. Christ's mission was to show us how to live in the latter, being dedicated to God under a New Covenant that was compatible with Civil Laws. That's why in Mathew 24 Christ tells the disloyal servant he should have made a profit with usury from the money changers, to further the Kingdom of God on earth. Notice the covenant laws only exist for a fraction of the total history of the Bible, it's only from Exodus to Samuel. This is the covenant that Moses and his people made with God. The Laws of the Prophets is Christian, taught by Him for his disciples to follow, not the Mosaic Law that was a small part of a history of all of them. Theology 102.

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