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Posts from Don Lee, Reno

Don Lee, RenoDon Lee, Reno
Don Lee, RENO

She hates Christians yet like this one keeps paraphrasing them. LOL

Don Lee, RENO

Money changers are the equivalent of todays Federal Reserve. Money has to be gold or silver that the Priests in the Temple wanted. FR is owned by bankers and they decide the value of it exactly like Caesar. 

Don Lee, Reno

She's has an extremist view on altruism. When I serve my wife dinner that I have cooked and gratitude is exchanged there is nothing wrong about it. In Darwin's number altruism work's quite nicely to bring home wealth. That is what Christians teach, and her stuff about altruism is so close to Marxism as to overlap his disgust of charity. 

Don Lee, Reno

Adams is spot on.

Don Lee, Reno

Methinks uncle Tom missed the whole Liberty thingy that enlightened men stressed during his day. 

Don Lee, Reno

There is no new enlightenment, there is only the original named Jesus Christ and you can follow up His logic from the enlightenment philosophers starting with Decartes.

Don Lee, Reno

Yeah, like all of the Bill of Rights are Christian Doctrine, Rabbi.

Don Lee, Reno

There has only been 1 revolution, it was 1776 by Colonial America. All the rest are a transfer of power between elites, replacing one authoritarian govt with another. 

Don Lee, Reno

Incomplete. Irreverence is the champion of Liberty when the law is lawless. See natural laws.

Don Lee, Reno

This is true, however George was Fabian, the predecessors of Fascists. They also said the same thing about inflation. 

Don Lee, Reno

So I give Jefferson 2 stars, his Francophile side is invested in cynicism from the colonial plantations a la Jean Jacques Rousseau. The Francophiles in the US were a different branch of Social Contract theory where human rights are at center and Hobbes and Locke were in a deadlock with ole Jean. The Federalists came up with a Bills of Rights that the greatest statesman to France  Benjamin Franklin signed onto philosopher, inventor, businessman, politician, newspapers, and most of of all diplomat and ambassador during the revolution. See Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers. You literally have to worship Liberty that is not undefined. J

Don Lee, Reno

Jefferson and Thomas Paine were deists, meaning they believed in the ethical imperative of Liberty contained in the Bible. Separate from any godhood, deity, or acts of super natural intervention. They still defend Christ. If you disbelieve this you need to study Paine's Rights Of Man. 

Don Lee, Reno

Weak, since we know the standing army is what we fear and for good reason. That spells separate from the armed state that includes the 2nd amendment in the US.

Don Lee, Reno

This is the type of historian we should all avoid. Let me repeat, avoid. Those who FOUNDED this country chose LIBERTY. It is an ethical imperative that the enlightenment discovered. To understand the restrictions one must put on freedom ie like open borders into a welfare state to preserve Liberty. "We wouldn't need govt if we were all angels." ~ John Adams

Don Lee, Reno

She already had a pension from her dead husband, what he signed on to. The further act of congress was charity that Davy protested. In Fact, all soldiers received pensions that date back before the revolution in England. 

Don Lee, Reno

It is immoral to take from the working man to give to charity. In this case, Davy was against taking from working people to give to a generals widow even though she already had a pension the general signed up for. It is immoral for any govt to take from the poor to give to the rich, this is exactly what Davy was saying. Even backwoods can recognize  evil when they see it and you can't see it.

Don Lee, Reno

Anyone who thinks he can make sense out of this must be a madman also. Cognitive behavior is not on this guys radar.

Don Lee, Reno

JFK along with H Humphrey initiated the Peace Corps for rich elite leftist children. The taxpayer paid for them, the kids flipping burgers and pumping gas, working on farms in the summer, and the program wound up be mostly about drugs, travel and sex for spoiled brats who didn't learn a thing about Liberty. Their rich parents pushed the bill onto others instead of taking money from their own pockets. The left today continues in his tradition of inequality which the left has always practiced. His open market comment is heresy. He was no champion for for Americans, being how egregious affair this was and still is.

@Don Lee

Don Lee, Reno

JFK along with H Humphrey initiated the Peace Corps for rich elite leftist children. The taxpayer paid for them, the kids flipping burgers and pumping gas, working on farms in the summer, and the program wound up be mostly about drugs and sex for spoiled brats who didn't learn a thing about Liberty. Their rich parents pushed the bill onto others instead of taking money from their own pockets. The left today continues in his tradition of inequality which the left has always practiced. His open market comment is heresy.

Don Lee, RENO

This is counter culture chaos akin to self hate. As per Shakespeare, "Self love is not so vile a sin as self neglect ."~ American culture

Don Lee, RENO

Fake...I don't see him championing freedom of speech today. Did he die? 

Don Lee, Reno

False. Govt is to protect borders from despots who would take our rights. That is the original context from western civilization

Don Lee, Reno

Today's left is not using proper English words to describe equality they describe equity as if it means equal. The so-called living constitution is to bastardize meaning. 

Don Lee, RENO

Although she is correct, like a Marxist she insulted our Christian nation namely the Bill of Rights and "The Perfect Law of Liberty." She was and still is a double edge sword. Her work should be avoided by free people, less we forget where are values lay.

Don Lee, RENO

Weak...since public education is only suppose to be for economics, ie reading writing and math, the rest is ALL propaganda. Public education started at the beginning of the Industrial revolution and it's only purpose is economics.

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