Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-6] of 6Posts from Gary Mullennix, NaplesGary Mullennix, Naples Reply Gary Mullennix, Naples 6/3/12 re: Albert Einstein quote The idea of being "Chosen' has frequently been thought of as being 'favored' by God. But, that was not the original meaning. They had the idea that no matter what, they were chosen by God to live a life dedicated to Him, no matter how difficult it might be. It, well, gee, it has been difficult. Estimates are that instead of perhaps a 14 million population, world-wide now, there would have been well over 200 million. Reply Gary Mullennix, Naples 10/10/11 re: George Herbert quote I also like the other quote..."Tell the truth, it is easier to remember." And, when it comes to dress sizes, not every question requires an answer. If pressed, the response should be the simple reflective question...'Why do you ask?" Then, get into her childhood, difficulties with parents, lack of friends as a means of filling the evening. Reply Gary Mullennix, Naples 10/10/11 re: John J. Dunphy quote I doubt anyone has the knowledge to deny or assert the existence of a creator or supernatural being called a God. However, we clearly know enough to know that RELIGION is a man made construct used for a multiplicity of reasons, amongst them, the herding of people into doing what the leaders desire no matter how evil. God, if there is one, wrote nothing. Neither did Jesus or Allah. Joseph Smith copied the Morman bible by looking through a hat into the earth. Abraham nearly killed his son, according to him, before the word was revealed to him. Mohammed rode a chariot into the heavens to chat with God, Moses got the word, privately of course, and returned with two stone tablets, maybe. No one should take this stuff very seriously. Reply Gary Mullennix, Naples 10/10/11 re: John J. Dunphy quote Anyone who doesn't agree with this quote has only to take the time to do a modicum of research into the history of the establishment of Christianity. Curtis of Atlanta, you are particularly in gross error. The most significant persecutions began with the naming of Christianity as the State religion under Constantine. Then, the church had an army to enforce its dogma. You should read the history of Bishop Iranaeus and his development of heresy, from the Greek for choice, insisting instead on orthodoxy, the straight way. One set of beliefs for everyone. Kill the disbelievers. You'll also discover why there are only 4 Gospels with the other 25+ being ignored. Reply Gary Mullennix, Naples 10/10/11 re: Ambrose Bierce quote If you don't believe as I do, if you don't worship my God who is the embodiment of love and tender mercy, I will have to kill you. Hmm. Mr. Rosenthal, how do you distinguish idolators from anyone else with a belief system? What is the difference between swallowing a piece of flour and water thinking it is the body and blood of a God or cutting the head off a chicken, drinking the blood, opening the cavity and reading the entrails? Reply Gary Mullennix, Naples 10/10/11 re: Eric Schaub quote I think the reason it doesn't sell is because actually knowing the truth requires a certain independence of thoughtful pursuit. Work in other words rather than the suspension of disbelief most prefer...Happy Endings being the goal. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print