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Posts from Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IAJimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA
Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

My God, the talmud in Liberty Quotes!??!?!?! WTF? If ever there was a racist/supremacist/chauvinist hate literature, this is it. The Babylonian Talmud is the main reason why Jews have been thrown out of every country they've inhabited the last 2 millennia or so - some of them more than once.

Don't believe me? Look it up. According to Talmud:
* OK to lie, cheat, steal from Goyim (all non-Jews)

* OK to have sex with a 4 year old Goy girl

* Goyim are sub-human - meant to serve the Jews

* Mother Mary was a whore who conceived Jesus while she was menstruating

* The Jews gladly killed Jesus and he is now in hell boiling in (take your pick) either semen or excrement.

* Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God. If a goy hits a Jew he must be killed.

*Jesus and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic.

*Jesus was sexually immoral and worshiped statutes of stone

* A rabbi debated God and won - God admitted defeat.

* Even the best of gentiles should all be killed.

* Arabs are dogs.

* One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.

It gets worse.


Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Congo Lisa - what an idiot. "We had no idea that planes could be used as missiles," or some BS like that. As Sec of State she ranks right in there with Kissinger, Madwoman Notbright, "We came, we saw, he died" (Khadaffi) madwoman Clinton, and now John "Kerry" Kohn. Connect the dots?

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

At this page:

read this:
Rabbi Isaac Wise of Cincinnati wrote in 1865, "Abraham Lincoln believed himself to be bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh. He supposed himself to be of Hebrew parentage, he said so in my presence, and indeed he possessed the common features of the Hebrew race both in countenance and features." -

Lincoln may have been the first Jewish president?!?!?!?!

In the Lincoln quote above - he was just telling us - confessing - that he was rejecting the CONstitution and flying to despotism.

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Interesting discussion - Socrates notwithstanding.

The point I want to make is that Jewish Aristocrat von Mises was (and is) an Establishment point man. The Alabama Austrians' and the NeoLibertarians' cacophony of daily if not hourly calls blaming government - calling for overthrowing the government - ARE IN SERVICE TO THAT SAME ESTABLISHMENT THAT HAS CORRUPTED THE GOVERNMENT.

Going all the way back to Poppy Bush and his minion Oliver North and their creation of Camp(s) FEMA - there are SO many executive orders in place to turn America into full police state, that THEY are just itching for a revolt so all the EO's (which normally - CONstitutionally - only apply to officers, members, and employees of the executive branch) can kick in under the guise of "national emergency."

The problem is NOT the government. The problem is those "evil doers" who have stolen OUR government from US and corrupted it to their own advantage. Do yourself a favor, download and read Eustace Mullins' "The World Order" with this link:


Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

take a look at this poster for sale in the UK:
and consider how really nonsensical this quote is. If the ZioMedia would PERMIT us to look into his past, we would see him for the over-rated corpulent nincompoop, war criminal and mass murderer he was, who along with his cousin Roosevelt (not his real name - look it up) and "ally," Murderin' Uncle Joe Stalin (not his real name either,) when the truth is known, will one day live in infamy as they should.

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

PS - John Kaminski presciently wrote probably the best eulogy to Eustace about 3 months before Eustace passed on - February 2nd 2010.

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

A quote from Secrets of the Federal Reserve on Wikipedia no less (link below):
The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves; and it is not a system, but rather, a criminal syndicate. It is the product of criminal syndicalist activity of an international consortium of dynastic families comprising what the author terms "The World Order". The Federal Reserve system is a central bank operating in the United States. Although the student will find no such definition of a central bank in the textbooks of any university, the author has defined a central bank as follows: It is the dominant financial power of the country which harbors it. It is entirely privately-owned, although it seeks to give the appearance of a governmental institution. It has the right to print and issue money, the traditional prerogative of monarchs. It is set up to provide financing for wars. It functions as a money monopoly having total power over all the money and credit of the people.

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

YES! More Mullins! - the man whom Edward Griffin stole most of Creature from Jekyll Island from and barely acknowledged. Get a free copy of Mullins' vastly superior Secrets of the Federal Reserve (The London Connection) here:

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Hey Mike,
I rate what Hamilton said as thumbs down because it was a CON! It is the carnival barker trying to get people into the tent. If I had lived then and know what I know now, like sitting Vice President Aaron Burr, I would have gut shot the bastard Hamilton too. (and I'm betting it wasn't over some tawdry romantic thing as we were indoctrinated in the Dewey Camps.)

Defender of the Chosen.
WHAT "broad brush denigration?"
It was the (presumably) Jewish folks at Jewish Virtual Library who proclaimed Hamilton a Jew bastard - not me!

MANY people would find your claim that Jesus was a Jew, "vile and disgusting." Me? I don't profess to know. In Gibson's movie he spoke Aramaic - a Semite tongue - but he could have been Arab from Syria or a Palestinian and done so.

I just know from what I've read with my own eyes, that the Talmud says that Jesus' mother was a whore who conceived Jesus while she was menstruating and that the Jews gladly killed Jesus and that he is now in hell, boiling in either semen or excrement. Look it up.

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Ten bucks Hamilton was a traitor and a mole - not for King George but for the Bank of England/City of London tribe (which is its own nation like the Vatican.) If having a Jewish mother makes one a Jew (Israeli law), then no less authority than the Jewish Virtual Library pegs Hamilton as a Jew bastard. (His mother never divorced her first husband before she had Alexander with his Scottish father out of wedlock.)

Hamilton is directly responsible for the first two PRIVATE central banks disguised as government - the ominous sounding Bank of North America (BNA) and the First Bank of the US! Both are carbon copies of the PRIVATELY (Rothschild) held Bank of England, as was the 2nd Bank of the US (that Madison had to give into to end the war of 1812 and that Jackson killed,) and IS the "FED."

Hamilton had to write brilliant articles like No. 78 where this quote is taken from, to "sell" the public on replacing the VASTLY superior Articles of Confederation - under which we (America) ostensibly kicked the butt of the world's greatest "super power" at the time - with his masters' CONstitution. Hamilton even co opted the term "federalist" which is supposed to mean someone in favor of very small, very limited central government - forcing those who were opposed to the impending power grab to call themselves "Anti-federalists"! Orwellian double speak before Orwell!

What Hamilton was after was the MONEY POWER, as President Van Buren (Jackson's Veep) always wrote it. A careful reading of the money powers under the Articles of Confederation compared with those under the CONstitution shows why America is a fup duck banksters' paradise today where we are all debt slaves.

Under the Articles, the central government could NOT issue money unless a super majority (9/13) of the States approved. It could not borrow money but on the same conditions. It could not tax. States could and DID issue their own money - debt and usury free - one of the REAL reasons for the war of secession of the original confederacy of States from their hitherto "lawful" government of England.

Besides laying the foundation for imperial presidents like Dubya and Obomber, the CONstitution created a defacto hidden 4th branch of government - the MONEY POWER - with as much power as the other three branches put together, and with NO accountability, ZERO "checks and balances."

And that, compatriots, is why we Americans "are" where we are today. As Jim K pointed out above, THEY - TPTB don't even pretend to obey the CONstitution. The most promising remedy - antidote to the poison of the CONstitution is the Blessed Tenth. The tenth amendment - where the States reserve the power to NULLIFY "federal" (really uber-nationalist) laws, that the STATES THEMSELVES determine unconstitutional. Michael Boldin and crew at the Tenth Amendment Center are in the vanguard of restoring some sanity and Liberty to our lives via NULLIFICATION and I encourage you to join us.


Already Kansas has taken the lead, with even stronger language from Missouri NULLIFYING all "federal" gun control laws in those states! Florida has NULLIFIED drones! The majority of states now have or are considering some NULLIFICATION.

Patriot Act
NDAA/Military Commissions Act
Domestic Spying
restore posse comitatus law, habeas corpus, and the State militias
restore clean water laws (that Cheney lead the destruction of for Haliburton fracking)

We can not only downsize DC - the District of Corruption - we can make it irrelevant. We can restore State Rights and Sovereignty. And ultimately we can END THE FED by NULLIFYING it (and its legbreakers at the IRS.)

Liberty, Peace, Prosperity and Love

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Hey Mary - MI
Intellectuals argue that diversity is necessary for academic excellence, but whats the evidence? For example, Japan is a nation bereft of diversity in any activity. Close to 99 percent of its population is of one race. Whose students do you think have higher academic achievement theirs or ours? According to the 2009 Program for International Student Assessment, the academic performance of U.S. high-school students in reading, math and science pales in comparison with their diversity-starved counterparts in Japan.
Walter E. Williams

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum was so cognizant of her own genes that she took the name of her typewriter rather than expose her Jewish roots. We take more care in breeding animals than we do in breeding humans - this by design of the Establishment. The glorification of miscegenation we are fed from Hollyweird these days is rampant, with the aim of destroying the White race - the only obstacle to THEM totally owning the world.

Race mixing has brought down every great civilization in the history of the world. The White northern Europeans who created America and gave the world MOST of its great art, literature, music, architecture, science and technology, medicine, etc. etc. is in danger of becoming a minority in America (and Europe) by 2050. WAKE UP and smell the DNA, brothers and sisters!

'Ayn Rand" is so over rated - a free market CAPITALIST'S /APOLOGIST'S wet dream. Communism and Capitalism are both base materialism and the two sides of the same Wall Street/City of London shekel.

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Read the horrible price Hansen paid for telling the truth and exposing the corruption/tyranny:

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Irving, father of PNACer William and admitted father of NeoCONservatism, is also admittedly a leading NeoLiberal, and if you will drill down into that mess via Dr. Ron Paul's 2003, "We've Been Neoconned!" speech on the floor of the US House of Representatives*, you'll discover the Trotskyite core of the Establishment - the Zionist Crimocracy that rules and ruins the world.


Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Hey Eric (the Editor) - Sorry to see that you haven't penetrated the Establishment's Hitler veil yet. The National Socialist German Workers Party - NSDAP members hardly ever referred to themselves as "Nazis." That was and is a derogatory term - a poor comeback from the Bolsheviks / Communist brand of socialists that the German people in general termed Sozi. Hitler had dictatorial powers but he was duly, properly and POPULARLY elected Chancelor. Watch his 50th birthday celebration here
and you will see how he was adored by the German people:

To place an un-sourced, out of context quote fragment of the Leader (meaning of "fuehrer") between the likes of Comte and Ghoul-i-annie is really a slur on a man who JFK said, "... had in him the stuff of which legends are made."

If you read Hitler in his own words - December 11, 1941 Declaration of War on the US is a good place to start (or unexpurgated Mein Kampf is free online) - you'll be surprised at his genius, eloquence, and humanity.

Five stars for Hitler - zero for Liberty Quotes on this mis-characterization.

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

The Jewish aristocrat von Mises is so over the top over rated, he's like Chance the gardener being made into Chauncy Gardiner by the perceptions of people who are desperate to be seen as understanding his "deep thoughts" and "timeless wisdom." Read a bit of von Mises's supposed opus, Human Action (or try to) and then some of Chauncy, and you'll know what I mean.

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Brilliant as MOST of his ideas were.

We have been badly lied to about Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party. If you want to start washing your own brain - you can start with what JFK and others had to say about Hitler:

Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA

Mises did NOT "escape Nazi Germany" He was Jewish nobility - born in what is now Ukraine. He "fled" Switzerland, allegedly fearing a German takeover, which should tell you a great deal about his mental reasoning capability or knowledge of the world.

He is the father of the term that is always truncated by the Alabama Austrians, "free market CAPITALISM" - which is the twin evil of Communism - BOTH of which are spawn of Wall Street/City of London tribe and both are Neo-Mercantilism. Mises and other "Austrians" are knowingly and unknowingly (depending on the individual) Judas Goats. The Zionist Crimocracy Establishment knows they will ultimately lose their money and banking monopoly - the "FED." "Austrian" economics is designed to help them get it back - bigger and badder than ever - a global "fed" and a single global currency.

As always, THEY will bark and howl gold standard, but never deliver it. Even high priest of Austrian dogma, Gary North, admits that a government backed gold standard is a fool's paradise and that a "free market" (note truncation) gold standard has never existed but for MAYBE 5 years in California during the gold rush.

State PUBLIC banking and State PUBLIC money - as WE had under the far superior (Articles of) Confederation - restoring States' Rights and Sovereignty and massively downsizing DC will return our Country to US - the People.

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