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Posts from Jimi Bigbear, New Fredonia

Jimi Bigbear, New FredoniaJimi Bigbear, New Fredonia
Jimi Bigbear, New Fredonia

Comrade Soetoro, British Subject (no matter where he was born - because of his Kenyan, British Subject father) is no less of a fraud and shill for the Establishment - the Zionist Crimocracy - than is von Mises. von Mises was born in (then) Austria (now Ukraine) as a Jewish NOBLE. He did NOT escape from Nazi Germany - that is a lie. He emigrated from Switzerland. Take 5 minutes on Wikipedia. von Mises is actually correct in this quote, but is a shill for the Establishment in that he blames government for this - when it is in fact Free Market Capitalism - invented by the Tribe on Wall Street as sure as Communism - that is firmly in control of not only the economy but the government. Until recently these "free market" "capitalists" (in fact monopolist and privateer Mercantilists) have been able to blame all their misdeeds on government. No more! J. Carlton above got it right: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild. (who was born Meyer Amschel Bauer...the Thief of Hanau) -- J Carlton, Calgary It's NOT what money is made of or is "backed" by, folks. It's WHO issues it and controls the amount. The MONEY POWER (as always written by President Van Buren) belongs to the Rightful Sovereign - We the People. The only way we'll restore America to We the People is to take back the MONEY POWER - preferably at the State level - with State owned PUBLIC banks like the Bank of North Dakota. Liberty, Peace, Prosperity and Love Jimi

Jimi Bigbear, New Fredonia

von Mises is a shill for the Establishment - the Zionist Crimocracy which is destroying the US and the world. He was born in (then) Austria (now Ukraine) as a Jewish NOBLE. He did NOT escape from Nazi Germany -that is a lie. He emigrated from Switzerland. Take 5 minutes on Wikipedia. Free Market Capitalism - invented by the same Wall Street Tribe as Communism - is in fact to blame for ALL our economic problems because the MONOPOLY of the MONEY POWER has for MOST of US history been in the hands of the (self professed) "Power Elite" - the Crimocracy. Read about the Mercantilist shills for the Rothschilds - Hamilton and Morris - the destruction of the Articles of Confederation (under which WE (US) ostensibly defeated the world's super power of the time - the British Empire) and illegal perversion into the CONstitution, with Hamilton very soon getting his first PRIVATELY OWNED central bank - First Bank of the US. The "FED" is just the most recent and long lived PRIVATE central bank that the banksters were able to drive through the loophole created by the sparse wording of the CONstitution. Liberty, Peace, Prosperity and Love Jimi

Jimi Bigbear, New Fredonia

von Mises is a shill for the Establishment - the parasitic Zionist Crimocracy that is hell bent on destroying the world - not just the US. von Mises was born an Austrian Jewish Noble. He did NOT escape Nazi Germany! He emigrated from Switzerland! What von Mises and the Alabama Austrians advocate is PRIVATE CONTROL of MONEY and BANKING - which is EXACTLY what we have now in the US and have had for most of our history. The "big lie" trick of the FED is that until recently, they have been able to blame the government for their actions. Thanks mainly to the Internet and those like Eustace Mullens, that lie is now well uncovered and nearly everyone with a pulse knows that the "Federal" "Reserve" is no more federal than Federal Express.

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