Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Laura, Louisville, KyLaura, Louisville, Ky 1 Reply Laura, Louisville, Ky 1/25/12 re: John Stuart Mill quote Wow, I think so many people are missing the point of what he is saying. If a person believes there is nothing worth fighting for, giving their life for, not even your freedom, then you will never have anything not given to you by someone else paying the price. that's what makes that person a miserable creature. That is what's uglier than war and that is profound because war is indeed ugly. Yes, theoretically, everyone has the right to be free, but it's obvious by history and still yet today, that some are not entitled to freedom. If you want it you have to be willing to fight and die for it. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print