Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Leo W. Livingston, Daytona Beach,FL.Leo W. Livingston, Daytona Beach,FL. Reply Leo W. Livingston, Daytona Beach,FL. 3/28/11 re: Lew Rockwell quote While I see and understand this quote, being a 70 year old white Southerner. I must find the civil rights laws needed, to free all people in America. I remember riding on an Atlanta bus in the1950s and seeing tired black folks standing after doing domestic work all day long. When,as a child I was taught to give my seat to an elder or a female. I was stared at, when I offered it to an older black domestic lady. Worse,she remained standing out of fear of the white folk's look. I am thankful for our countries leaders and lawmakers, that ended those dark and painful years for us all. How blessed we all are to live in the land of the free, and for all people! SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print