Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Phil, Birmingham-UKPhil, Birmingham-UK 1 Reply Phil, Birmingham-UK 1/18/08 re: F. Lee Bailey quote Is it bollux the oldest Democracy in the world. (Waffler, Smith, Arkansas) Democracy first showed signs in the Isle of Man near England, and it's the British who have done the most world wide to promote its existance. Unfortunately this Deomcracy we both have is not it! They have perverted the very concept with two party polotics. I'm currently reading a book and perhaps you should all have a go, it's by a lady name Mary Elizabeth Croft called "How I Clobbered every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscationary Agency Known to Man" - I highly recommend reading this as apart from her impeccable logic she gives a very freatful explination for what's really going on behind the scenes with the Banks. She said that the whole world is now at 'Endgame' for global domination, and how the Central Banks of the Globe are being run by the same few English Families. This is a must read, I have no connection with her but I'm finding it facinating. You can get it here, SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print