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Posts from Ray O'Connor, Belfast, Ireland.

Ray O'Connor, Belfast, Ireland.Ray O'Connor, Belfast, Ireland.
Ray O'Connor, Belfast, Ireland.

Also to Roy. Just look around in any city,,,, cameras every where you go,,,, surprisingly this is not for your safety,,, we now live in a police state. Guns must be removed for the protection of honest people,,,, trust your government,,,, they never lie,,,, just look at the track record. Everything is for your own good. When anything happens "we are going to hold a public inquiry to ensure nothing like this ever happens again" The leading questions of a tightly controlled media. Wake up and smell the coffee,,, The poor people in Libya won't know what hit them now that they are getting their freedom. Mr Gaddafi wanted to bring the Gold standard back into his money,,, yes payment for oil in gold. Now Libya will have the Rothschild Debt based worthless paper money system installed and the Rothschild Dynasty will have the entire country as slaves to the World Bank and the IMF. Of course it won't be that that is causing the debt to rise,,, at least that is what they will be told on the television and they will all believe it just like gullible old you!

Ray O'Connor, Belfast, Ireland.

Doug, I don't think anyone could have put it better than in your last statement. If only people were less vulnerable to each utterance of the TV. Perhaps spent more time educating themselves in the ways of politics and the Private Rothschild owned federal reserve control / enslavement system they may grasp the big picture. They won't do it in a day but once the light goes on you can't stop. Hopefully it will not be too late when they lose faith in the government and the current corrupt debt based monetary system! It is debt based as the debt can never be paid,, the more money that is created the more greater the reaping but there will never be enough to pay the capital amount as the amount owed is greater than the amount printed,,,, so we are always slaves to the Rothschild banking dynasty / cartel.

Ray O'Connor, Belfast, Ireland.

This Quote applies equally to Chemotherapy! I suppose if we could only apply Chemotherapy to the Cancer of society namely "Rothschild and Rockefeller" and anyone else with the invitation and license of government to make money out of nothing but paper and ink. They then charge interest on the capital amount. This is also why the debt can never be repaid. Understand this and your half way there to understanding the,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,deception and theft of all that is and the subsequent enslavement of mankind.

Ray O'Connor, Belfast, Ireland.

War???,,, I do believe that most people at least now have some vision, and with that a common link for reaction. Thanks must be given to the controlled media complete with each weighted and leading question. Gratitude also to the multi faceted nature of the internet the cracks in the whole world government/freedom/corporation/democracy and bank scams are well beyond repair. I believe government are quaking and hoping they have covered their bases for protection when the people rise up. I do see a time not to far off when the people will rise together as a one world nation and the current "democracy" will fall. Government govern only by the will of the people the balance of power will change. Hopefully the next system will be based on equality not greed, power and propaganda.

Ray O'Connor, Belfast, Ireland.

If the banks create 100 units currency and they charge interest on that 100 units: as they do. If the interest rate they charge is as little as 1% within 100 years what do they own. If your mind works like mine the answer is everything 100% of whatever they create,,,,, of course it is no longer worthless paper,,,, it is now property. A wonderful conjuring trick!

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