Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [51-67] of 67Posts from Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USARobert Edwards, somewhere in the USA Previous 25 Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 11/22/18 re: Matthew Henry quote A very Welsh attitude — iechyd da... Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 11/22/18 re: Buddha quote WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY AND CORNUCOPIOUS THANKSGIVING — always lay an extra placing at the table for the unexpecting guest — if one doesn't show then go out and find one! usually by the soup kitchen... Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 11/22/18 re: Henry Fielding quote A very English attitude... Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 11/20/18 re: Aristotle quote What is is, there is no deviation... Today, more so than ever, is the truth harder to come by. There is an industry in manipulating the truth, thousands of people are employed just so you never get to hear the truth. People are willing to forego the truth for a paycheck and health benefits. I am sickened by the lack of integrity and moral fiber in the US population. We are heading down a very slippery slope into the abyss from which there will be no escape. 1 Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 11/15/18 re: Ayn Rand quote On this I agree 100% 1 Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 11/15/18 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Which means we are about 20 revolutions late! But, better late than never.... Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 11/14/18 re: Demosthenes quote I don't know what happened to my comment — it must have been censored! 1Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 11/14/18 re: Bertrand Russell quote For which we are seeing the results of today in the UK and the USA — all secretly planned by those wanting chaos in Europe and the Middle East. Chaos in the UK and Middle East keeps the petrodollar flowing and the MIC funded with $trillions. If MN new this mans history, the last thing you could ever call BR was a progressive patron of the occupying statist theocracy. 4Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 7/7/18 re: Samuel Adams quote But first you must genocide the indigenous population. Once achieved, we can do the same to the rest of the world.... Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 7/7/18 re: Abigail Adams quote Calm is the essence of Action — sad, so much is misunderstood.. 1Reply Robert Edwards, somewhere in the USA 7/7/18 re: John Locke quote Antiquated sentiment — good in theory... Reply Robert Edwards, Somewhere in the USA E Archer, NYC (6/20/18) It's what you think and know it to be, even if others tell you otherwise... Today, we are bombarded with false information, propaganda, etc. Even the History of the US is a fabrication of the truth -the ghastly deeds of those we believe to be heroes is long. As we know, history is written by the victor; though today, we have a closer relationship with the national and international events, even though the propaganda machine is working overtime... Reply Robert Edwards, Somewhere in the USA 6/20/18 re: Epictetus quote With true love philosophy is never in conflict.... Reply Robert Edwards, Somewhere in the USA 6/20/18 re: Epictetus quote The beginning of Wisdom... Listen... If you truly listen it will always be with you.… As a famous Guru once said "when you listen, listen" and when you sit, sit... Reply robert edwards, somewhere in the USA 5/29/18 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote I don't care who said it - it's a great quote! He definitely had a dream and he was assassinated for it! Like JFK was.... and many other good people that question the NWO.... Reply robert edwards, somewhere in the USA 5/29/18 re: Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quote I have no idea how all these comments came from a simple quote - it needs no explanation... Reply robert edwards, somewhere in the USA 5/29/18 re: L. Lionel Kendrick quote America lost it's integrity a long time ago - and I'm not sure if America ever had integrity - you don't give smallpox blankets and massacre the indigenous population so you can take their land. Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print