Alan Bloom Quote

“Freedom of the mind requires not only, or not even especially, the absence of legal constraints but the presence of alternative thoughts. The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity, but the one that removes awareness of other possibilities.”

~ Alan Bloom

The Closing of the American Mind, 1987

Ratings and Comments

Kevin Shearer, Queensbury,NY.

Deception and falsehood exist in the shadows of deceit.The Light of Truth vaporizes them.

Anonymous, Reston, VA US

No better argument for the complete exclusion of religious indoctrination by the radical religious right (of all religions) from our public school system.

Mike, Norwalk

Freedom can not exist without laws. By way of example: without the law of gravity there would be no life on planet earth and the point here would be moot; and, if we did not live a law of economics there would be chaos; and, if we didn't live the law of the harvest there would be no food. Etc. Etc. Etc. I believe the quote here deals with man's prejudice in eliminating sets or forms of thought from public (and/or otherwise) review that do not harmonize and/or support the current powers of government, or at least a subject authoritative body.

Mike, Norwalk

or in Reston speak, no better argument for the complete exclusion of atheist indoctrination by the radical uninformed, uneducated and pridefully ignorant.

Mike, Norwalk

oops, I hit the wrong button. Reston exemplifies this quote, he would have all information and thought removed that does not agree with his own

David L. Rosenthal

Mike seems to have a point there, Reston, ol' buddy. The radical atheists are forcing their doctrines down our children's throats every day in the schools. And the history books certainly sometimes seem like fiction. I cannot remember once being told by a teacher that God created the universe, or that I should pray.

E Archer, NYC

Hey, Mike and David, those that do not want religious indoctrination in school are not necessarily atheists, so lighten up. I could no more be an atheist than be a religionist -- I believe in Truth whatever it may be, and it requires individual study and experiences. I think religions SHOULD be taught -- especially Buddhism and Taoism among others -- right along side of Science and Philosophy. Let's look at all the history and all the anthropology. We still have LOTS to learn.

Mike, Norwalk

Archer, I do not believe in religious indoctrination in any sense of the concept (David was correct in is last comment) and I absolutely agree with all else you just said. I also don't believe in comparative religions; I believe that all religions should be taught as stand alone philosophy and/or science. All religions are nothing more than an explanation of human experiences. We can study each belief system and deduce what actions promulgate what results. We then can add to our system that which promotes that which we identify with most. No one religion has a monopoly on truth, love, etc. The founders knew Christianity best and saw through Biblical history what prospered and devastated the subject people. They then sought differing societies on how best to implement the truths the saw. Broadening the field of investigation could only be a good thing. Atheism on its face is only a belief in the non-existence of an ultra human experience. It is when that belief is acted upon that it becomes a religion. That religion, as legislated by the Supreme Court has to be exposed for what it is and how it stops the advancement of humanity.

David L. Rosenthal

It is not that only atheists do not want religious indoctrination in schools; but those who force indoctrination of unproven scientific doctrine on students tend to reject God out of hand. It is an irony that they wish to impose a myth with which they have extremely limited personal experience, that is, scientific theory, in place of what is to them an absurd concept, that is, Creation, when no one is forcing them to believe in God. Their negative reaction to God has to do with their negative experiences with people, as though people were adequate representatives of God. The strangest part is that they believe in so many absurd things, while rejecting the most sublime thing, which they really never tried to appreciate or understand. It does not matter whether one is an atheist or just opposes God for the sake of opposition; the effect is often similar. The world is what it is because men reject God. And the Bible also says, if Archer will permit me to refer to it, that the devil believes in God, and trembles. I do not know with certainty whether freedom of the mind requires the absence of legal restraints. An interesting growth in opposition to tyranny is taking place in Cuba, more each year that passes, despite totalitarian restraints on information. Maybe freedom of the mind is inevitable, if slow to develop.

Mike, Norwalk

I Believe the most successful tyranny is the one that removes awareness of other possibilities (it makes possible all other forms of tyranny). That is the primary reason for the dumming down by government seminaries (public schools), the frivolous bla-bla-bla by the government media's talking heads and the dole - set up to finance poverty. Terms and concepts such as religion have morphed so sufficiently that the national establishment of religion legislated by the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land, through ecumenical canons, is not recognized by subdued chattel - unaware of their awful plight. For a country that touts being the land of the free and home of the brave, so extremely few recognize that liberty means: The power of acting as one thinks fit, without any restraint or control, except from the laws of nature. (Bouviers Law Dictionary) Liberty: exemption from extraneous control. The power of the will, in its moral freedom, to follow the dictates of its unrestricted choice, and to direct the external acts of the individual without restraint, coercion, or control from other persons. Liberty is the right which nature gives to all mankind of disposing of their persons and property after the manner they judge most consistent with their happiness, on condition of their acting within the limits of the law of nature, and so as not to interfere with an equal exercise of the same rights by other men. (Blacks Law Dictionary 1st ed.) Liberty: "Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add within the limits of the law,' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." (Thomas Jefferson) Liberty has been lost by a removal of awareness - having been replaced by a national establishment of religion, compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes, larceny with impunity, and awareness removal of what rights are.

Jim K, Austin

"Judgement Day, Intelligent Design on Trial" is an interesting story of high school biology teachers suing the school board to keep religion out of the school biology textbook. Check it out on YouTube. I agree with the biology teachers.

Jim K, Austin

This was in Dover Pa.

Robert Edwards, Somewhere in Europe

Liberty, you're on a roll!

Ronw13, Yachats Or

Theskeia and Threskos religions. One superficial, the other pure. simplicity to understanding elements. Natural law is constant. Period ! When the cat gets out of the bag, is when people wake UP ! The Leopard and his mountain. The mystery of 3 and the multiple of 11. The Rock, ( natural law)exposes truth, and some wish to hide it. " The catalogue of events " as referenced by presidents, Very, shall we say, discretion. " More powerful than the atom. " Liberty.

warren, olathe

Anonymous, Reston, VA US statement is a perfect example of what Alan was warning against.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Let's us try to open the mind by questions and logical deductions. Socialism is the challenge of socialized behavior to create.

Mike, Norwalk

Socialism challenges individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law. Socialism, through its many denominations, creates illogical deductions, pain, suffering, poverty, anger, violence, death, war and all else that is contrary to the nobility of man.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk 10/9/24

Mike, Norwalk you never ever provide any specificied incidences of  pain, suffering, poverty, etc.. etc...whatever of these "Socialistic" afflictions.

Mike, Norwalk
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Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 10/9/24

Sillik, most briefly. Stalin, Mao and Hitler are simply 3 Socialists that provided more than a few specified incidences of pain, suffering, poverty, etc.. etc. Marx's version of socialism was to create socialism through violence, pain, suffering, poverty, etc., etc. Most of Europe is dumping their implementations of socialism because of the poverty and suffering it has caused. Cuba and Venezuela are but 2 more countries where socialism has caused pain, suffering and poverty. China implements portions of crony capitalism to avoid total collapse due to socialism's pain, suffering, poverty and enslavement.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk 1/6/25

Mike, Norwalk, you must be committed to social responsibility for the true title of Socialist. These pretending individuals were not following this requirement. They had an alteration away from the true ideological belief and practice. I follow the true path of fairness, recovery, prescription of universal wealth, prosperity, and nonviolence.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/7/25

Fred, I can't find "social responsibility" in the dictionary, so I can't readily be committed to it.  What is it?  Am I my brother's keeper?  By what authority is one's 'social responsibility' declared?

The primary law of nature is "As I sow, so shall I reap."  It is immutable except by some form of forgiveness or atonement indeed acts in and of themselves the 'sowing' of which negates the original 'reaping.'  

Our acts matter and have consequences, good or bad, and I think that's what you are referring to, that we have a 'responsibility' to each other because what goes around, comes around.  And I'm all for exercising compassion towards one another  it is the heart of a republican form of self government.  Whereas a socialist government places the responsibility in some authority's hands to whom the rest must obey  and I suppose in your form, that would be YOU.  Self-government starts with the individual being responsible for him/herself and all are equally responsible for themselves.

Too often your expressed political philosophy resembles some form of authoritarianism much like the Catholic Church of old, except YOU are the Creator.  But let me quote Obama, "you didn't build that." And you are not responsible for me.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown E Archer, NYC 1/7/25

Social responsibility is not in the dictionary, for this a conceptualization, Mr Archer. The dictionary is full of words and with your heart in the right place you will find concepts like social responsibility. You might even find words themselves are not adequate because those without their heart in the right place came up with these words. Others accuse of changing words, I just tend to place them in their correct context for those with hearts in the right place, so to speak, good intentions. I believe I have best of intentions regarding my brother or anyone else for that matter, I, however am not treated with the same regard, by my brother or anyone else for that matter. We are able to create concepts, if our intentions are honorable. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/7/25

My family members are terribly, terribly, mentality ill, my brother admits to it, but does not believe it, because everything he says, he says to himself, is a lie. This tells us, the liar is not perfect, for my brother is terribly mentality ill.  He is very, very correct on one concern, he is mentality ill.  My parents mental illness killed them, I want to desperately save my brother and sisters because it is my duty. I wanted to save my parents but was not prepared enough. I am racing somewhat against time to save you, Mr Archer and my family. I am, without a rational person's doubt, the sole representative of the healthy mentality individual on this planet.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/7/25

Social responsibility, Mr Archer, is any behavior that promotes the dimension of life. I believe I am on this dimensional island,  and quite alone.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/7/25

I didn't didn't build what? To what is President Obama referring. I gave him ample chance for an explanation. Like all mentally ill, he avoided the situation and put me in confinement. I discovered the Maximum Wage, solely on my own. I discovered Socialism, basically invented it.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/7/25

Mr Archer, it's difficult to deal with your mental illness because you're always trying to make it look the reverse. You incorporate bowel relieving or bladder relieving additives to make me look like I have incontinence. You make sure I hear the bathroom code to hide my excellent memory capacities. You're whole community (world) is dedicated to making themselves look mentality competent and me look incompetent. They're nothing but a basically egocentric severe mental disordered species trying to make me look or feel sick.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/7/25

A huge basic problem is your species has simply not developed an adequate appreciation or respect for words or language in general.  The movie Dead Poet Society illustrates this when Robin William's character Mr Keating proclaims to his students that words and ideas mean something, not sure of exact lines. This is absolutely incredible in its meaning and insinuation.  What its saying to me, the rational individual, is you, the irrational, are still at a hunting stage, still using sign and signals while I have developed into an advanced stage of what would be described as cultivation stage where words and ideas ring true.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/7/25

Mr Archer, you find advanced conceptualizations using your mind with the heart in correct position meaning good intent, by putting words together.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/15/25

Fred, seek help.  I doubt you are married or have children.  It sounds like you were committed to a mental institution, yes?  Your ideas are not new, your definition of socialism and a 'maximum' wage are easily found in the writings of Marx and Engels.  All these responses without ever defining 'social responsibility.'  Nothing but logical fallacies and narcissism.  I truly feel sorry for you.  Nothing you have written is 'rational' ...

Mike,, Norwalk

Sillik, words have meanings  and, in your words - adults accept those definitions. Your continuing nonsensical / circular word salad is extremely shallow and means nothing. As generally and historically applied, socialism is: any of various economic, religious and political theories, philosophies or movements outside nature’s law advocating collective or governmental / religious ownership and administration of property (real / chattel / sensorial beings, etc.) along with the means of production and distribution of goods. A more narrow legal definition of socialism would be; “An economic and social theory that seeks to maximize wealth and opportunity for all people through public ownership and control of industries and social services.” (West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2) You really should come up with a different name for your religion other than “Socialism”. That nomenclature - socialism - has been taken, well used and defined. Again, as a very immature expression of mental illness, you continue to reinvent useless meanings to old words.

Guessing / extracting from your many posts, I would surmise that your religious dogma (NOT law, science, fact, reality, etc.) is a mix of Marx’s philosophical theology and a distorted understanding of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau’s “Social Contract”. Such social contract held that pre-social man’s state was unwarlike and timid. Said philosophical devotees gave up individual sovereignty, inalienable rights, liberty at nature’s law and surrendered individual freedom of action for mutual protection and socially planned production of goods, services and control of self.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike,, Norwalk 1/8/25

Mike,, Norwalk, adults accept the true heartfelt meanings of words. Much of the behavioral words we use are slapped together child's ploys to enable them catch their victims leaving the adult to put some sincere victimless clarifying support behind these words. Love and friendship are two terms with tremendous misrepresentation that are used mostly for exploitation by the contemporary victimizer.  I like the Planet of the Apes revealing illustration as Astronaut Taylor explains: "a lot of love making, but no love."  For the respectable Socialist recreational sex and love are polar opposites. You can tell someone hates you if they want sex with you in the conventional design and intent.

Mike,, Norwalk

Sillik, your hypocrisy is almost beyond belief except for the reality thereof. The true heartfelt meaning of the word socialism, as historically, socially and legally accepted by adults is as I've written above. Your rejection of said definition is a war against maturity. Your behaviorally slapped together word definition(s) is/are a mentally ill child's play. Your off topic / misdirection / tremendous misrepresentation circular word salad(s) is/are a very immature engagement in anti-reality. Placing off topic examples to your new definitions only exacerbates the reality of your infantile adolescence. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike,, Norwalk 1/8/25

Mike,, Norwalk, the hypocrite can only observe the hypocrite. I could demonstrate impeccable consistency, as I most certainly do, and you sir could never realize or acknowledge it because you must not be hypocritical yourself to observe my sincere genuineness.

Mike,, Norwalk

Sillik, 🤣🤣🤪 hahaha / lololol WHAT? ? ?  Again, an off topic circular word salad. Why is it you can NOT stay on point. Why will you not address the well established (social, historical, legal and in all ways) definition of socialism. AND, FYI adolescent mental illness in no way equate's to any form of sincere genius  no matter what your god complex may be whispering to you.

Mike,, Norwalk
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Mike,, Norwalk Mike,, Norwalk 1/9/25

AND  🤪, what is the difference between observed sincere genuineness and just plain everyday run of the mill insincere genius? I say hmmm, another circular word salad.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike,, Norwalk 1/10/25

Mike,, Norwalk, My address of Socialism is the authentic definition of the ideology. Socialism is a continuous scientific correction of behavior appropriate for human preservation and development. I don't claim any genuis, I claim a GENUINE intent to do my best to find the best solutions in the interest of human florishment. 

Mike,, Norwalk
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Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/11/25

Sillik, 🤪 🤪 🤪, hahahaha / lolololol  I shake my lowered head while audibly giggling in disbelief. It is only from your childish god complex that you can claim thee unique "authentic definition of the ideology". Your examples of your version of socialism (your understanding of economics, collectivism, government function, etc.) have all been tried multiple times in multiple ways - always ending in pain, suffering, death, war, poverty, etc. When ask, you have never been able to explain through scientific method what your circular word salad means. Above, you stated: "my sincere genuineness." Was that GENUINE? Stalin, Mao, etc. were also GENUINE in torturing and murdering 10s of million of their constituents in pursuing socialism's "best solutions in the interest of human florishment." Hmmmm, I guess it was to early to know their superior god and his new made up definitions.

Mike,, Norwalk
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Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/13/25

Sillik, you really need to write a new dictionary for mentally ill children that puts new definitions in place of accepted adult words and concepts.

E Archer, NYC

Sillik's ranting reminds me of the Adam Sandler movie Billy Madison.  After Billy's presentation, the principal says:

"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown E Archer, NYC 1/19/25

Mr Archer, you have every mentally ill person in the room supporting your response, because that's all the conventional population represents. Creativity, mental health, survival, I, sorry to say, am the only representative in this course of change.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/22/25

To believe everyone but oneself is mentally ill is one of the traits of the mentally ill...

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown E Archer, NYC 1/23/25

No, because mental health has to be a seed sowed. You like to quote, Mr Archer, You reap what you sow. Everyone I have met reaps the crop of the victimizer. "In every revolution there's one man with a vision."  I have the vision and sadly I remain the only one with the vision of human preservation. 


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