Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-8] of 8Posts from Ron, sRon, s 1 Reply Ron, s 7/6/10 re: Patrick Henry quote Fruits of the Spirit. Let your moderation be made known to all men. This is possible by frequent study of the rule. That which contains the fundamental principles. Notice blessings of liberty, For we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Be men in understanding. Know , what you believe 2 tim 2:15. Very old secret yet you here so little about it. God grants us understanding to every generation, a seed shall serve him for a generation. This is a time of generational and eventful filling change. Reply Ron, s 7/5/10 re: Rev. Samuel Francis Smith quote The time of faith for those faithful men and women at any given time to rally around there salvation, spiritual and phisical. A nation of believers nit together in a common cause. Some have a clearer line of heritage than others. The fight is true and just. Tax not your childrens bed. The right to person and property has been sold by slight of law and greediness of gain a little over a hundred and fifty years ago. The lest amount of burden upon your citizens is not good for big buisness. But the mule is old and wore out, so there must be a change. Government has reigned us in. How do we reign government in. Naturally, dispersing care. But the door must be opened. One thing I learned of serving my nation. The sincerity of faith to God and the constitution. I know who my God is, what he has done for me and where he has given me to take my stand. Many thriving farming and ranching communities were destroyed in the name of progress. Rights taken away, stolen by a few, in the community and in the local and federal government. Men an women in our government and in our military should know which God our nation was founded under and where we derive our rights to freedom. Let there be unity in the ranks. Reply Ron, s 7/5/10 re: Patrick Henry quote Is this the part of wise men? Yes it was and is, the fight for liberty. Mr Henry then quotes KJ exsplaining he does have ears that can hear, and eyes that can see but that his foes can not. Then goes to the apostle Paul for his comparison of temporal salvation. Willing to pay the price to know the whole truth. 51Reply Ron, s 6/30/10 re: Benjamin Franklin quote The King is served by the field. With the riches of the world comes the responsibility to feed the increase of mouths whom have made you wealthy by the sweat of there labor in the field. There is profit in all labor. Sell not virtue nor liberty in carrying out your duty to protect those rights of the common man , natural liberty. Reply Ron, s 6/27/10 re: James Madison quote Once the burden was imposed on citizens thy became slaves, to that parties way of thinking, FDR. There is yet a fragment of that generation still alive. No taxes on person, or property, that would take away his life, house, garden or pasture. He is at liberty with in the nation, kingdom, or city. That grants liberty to there citizens. In this manner is one's inheritance and heritiege protected and secured. To be garded with all jelousy. When our nation was week temptation swayed party to think security there way was better than the constitutional way. So slavery begain by imposing their will upon the citizens by force. So by forceful resistance we will reclaim our stand of liberty and freedom, sides being taken. COMPROMISE IS NOT LIBERTY OR FREEDOM. The experience of reclaiming freedom at home again must be endured. Reply Ron, s 6/26/10 re: George Washington quote Read closely his farewell address, and his recommendations. He sees corruption at it's source. Experience of war and to keep away from entanglement of foreign affairs to grow and prosper. Till our rights to person and property which have been taxed away by the very corruption he warned against. Reply Ron, s 6/23/10 re: Alexander Haig quote Candor, Frankness, plainness of speach . I do agree with RBESRQ can get you killed or save your life or a nation's life. To speak too plainly offends the learned. The common man will hear plain speach and with an illustration be convinced to understanding. The truth is stranger than fiction. A natural progression is taking place not under the control of government but only observed by government. Over throw by way of emigrants partial to there religious beliefs began before the civil war in our country. And now is being repeated again, with another contrary to our foundation. They do not like us but only want what we have. The old battle for the new world resorces continues. We were sold out by our leaders when they assumed ownership over our property and persons. Or should I say allowed the lenders to claim ownership by there lies and promises. By the way six figure incomes to administers of safety net institutions in local areas distributing to the poor and needy is a gross misuse of funds. Obama's highway money is a joke. Government funded building projects employing the emigrants at union scale is a slap in our face. Then meanwhile cartels and gang wars, prostitution, 18 year old strip clubs exsploiting the youth are allowed to operate. sanctioned by local government. Homeless Americans walk the city streets, while raises are given to the administrators building bigger houses. Driving cars fit for a king. enough is enough ! When we were a nation of farmers with the barter system not long ago, we were free to survive, by the sweat of our brow . building that we needed along the way. Our throw away society will not survive, and to entice others in this life stile rather than return people to a natural balance with nature is one of the greatest wrongs committed by greedy corperations, individuals, who think an i phone is better than a fishing pole, a plow, a modest piece of ground with a house built to last 200 years or more. We as a nation separated ourselves to have these good ways afforded to our children. but they have been enticed away, stolen. Corporate farms owning all the land, wealthy individuals claiming all the land and water while pushing the poor to the city streets. Rome taxing the world and enslaving the poor to do their bidding. playing upon the greed of individuals to sell out their neighbors for a piece of bread. Or a bigger farm or ranch. Check the history out by those still alive. The largest cities are a canker upon the planet spreading greed and sickness. unsustainable. The wickedness of man given a place to grow. Give a man a place to live and feed himself, and not be a slave to an unnatural way of life. Protection money the warlords demand. Our current way of life for most. Reply Ron, s 6/22/10 re: Albert Einstein quote Gifts to man kind, the minds of influenced thinkers. Telling of a change to come, it's great that this quote brings such clarity of conversation.To the point of time being short. We look back to the text, weather in the dirt or on the page to come to the same place of event. Its not only that unity of action will come but unity of mind in a new way of understanding. With length of days, is understanding. Which Mr. Einstein saw very well. The unity of a social order with the independance of free honest service by it's leaders. With every new birth a little blood is shed. I'm not trying to be a ham or a crowd pleaser. As science and understanding have expanded so has the spirit of man and ( other things). things unseen, as science has proved, those are the things that hold the key. This is much more than the politics of our country, but an event waited upon by our planet and its inhabitense for thousands of years. Rape you head around that.Two bodies of knowledge coming together, they have been separated and brought together many times to enfluenced trends of economy and society, secrets bore out by countless years of secular science. Coming to a point of understanding. We are not alone and things not seen, control that which is temporal and seen. If you want peace, be at peace with your neighbor. If you wish to keep that that is yours then do so. You have a free will. Once free, you will be a good servant. Where does your guilt lie, having exsersized your senses discerning good and evil. Knowing right from wrong. Meat belongs to those that are of full age. Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. Another great mind once said. The ancient land mark still stands. If you don't know what that is you need to look in a different part of the library while there is still time. In God we trust was written for a reason, they were fully presueded . A watchman once said in the night that these are the fullness of times we live in. It comes with a message of hope and warning ! Not my personal opinion, I'm just a messenger. I've herd a roomer. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print