Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Wendy, Charlotte, NCWendy, Charlotte, NC 31Reply Wendy, Charlotte, NC 12/4/08 re: Thomas Sowell quote Hey, Wingstitch . . . as usual, you've missed the point. Charity shouldn't be legislated. I don't care if it's a million dollars or a buck, the money that we earn with our hard work should be given to whomever we choose. If we choose to give it to a charity, bully for us. If we choose to pass it on to an heir, they should not be forced to pay a penalty for receiving it. If you subscribe to the socialist ideology, you're screwing around with your rights and freedoms, as well. You just don't realize it yet. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print