Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-35] of 35Posts from aa, hbaa, hb Previous 25 1 Reply aa, hb 2/26/10 re: Liberty Bell quote Pray it is so E Reply aa, hb 2/26/10 re: Elizabeth I quote That was a long long long time ago...I just received a letter from one of our senators supporting so many 3 lettered groups that our taxes will pay for I thought at first he had sent me something for Jay Leno's opening night. Reply aa, hb 2/20/10 re: James A. Garfield quote I am curious, as well, why you suffered. I think that this quote is telling us, that no matter the circumstances, we have a mind from which we grow hope and we have the liberty to think, in spite of all that goes on around us. And it is that spark, that desire to reach for something that no one else can touch, that makes Liberty a tangible reality. Reply aa, hb 2/17/10 re: William Cowper quote Is history still taught in school? Reply aa, hb 2/16/10 re: Ayn Rand quote YES! Thank you Ayn Rand! And I am an old woman, not a teenager, with lots of experience and education. Tho sad for anyone getting one today for in the last few days have heard 'history will be rewritten for the US' and teachers will be teaching only from a...Waffler point of view... Reply aa, hb 2/13/10 re: Charles Caleb Colton quote Do you not think that US Constitution really does apply to all men? Including women? The job now is to keep it in tact, and follow the blueprint. As a developing country there were huge lumps and bumps and they were overcome. Now, however, we have citizens who pay no attention at all to US laws or to the fact that this is not a democracy (they always fail), but a republic. It is the progressives that are pushing the US into the pit of dispair and slavery. We must have honorable persons in the government. Right now 11% of our Congressmembers vote for your freedom and support the US Constitution, and only 4 % of the Senators do so according to 2009 legislative actions. That is a terrible record. We the people are asleep at the if we go over into the pit, who will we blame? We can only earn liberty back if we sack those who are not honorable men/women. We know who they are: they are the ones who do not abide by their Oath of Office. Reply aa, hb 2/12/10 re: John Cotton quote Most of us have not studied 'law' nor the dictionary used by those who would so rely on Websters for a definition and that one, as you know states a theocracy is a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil leader. Separation of church and state is not in the Constitution...according to Kevin RC Gutzman, JD., PhD. with that satisfaction coming from the first Amendment. This is very interesting and I thank you for sharing this with me from a 'law' point of view. I don't think it is one that most have heard before. I wonder if you would object to me keeping it in my file to ponder further? Reply aa, hb 2/12/10 re: John Cotton quote I keep wondering why you think we have a theocracy, Mike? We are at liberty to worship as we choose or not to do so at all. We have a president that hasn't been inside a church since he landed in office. Without some belief system many people would be little more than 'lotus eaters'. The Founders recognized that there was likely something more important than humans and that something gave them a desire to live freely, be productive, and experience a suggested order in which to live. You are not forced to believe those have choice. We may soon actually be living under a theocracy such as we see in Iran...and then you may appreciate the difference. I agree with much of what you say, but think you really don't completely understand the concept of a theocracy. Reply aa, hb 2/11/10 re: Henry Campbell Black quote We need to vote carefully and rid ourselves of the parasites feeding on the lives of others. We have certainly erred in our voting patterns and have very little time to repair...but repair must be swift or we will not experience this country as Black had presumed while writing his dictionary or editing the Constitutional Review. 1 Reply aa, hb 2/9/10 re: Vaclav Havel quote Fisherman Jailed for Tax Evasion Becker-face-jail-tax-evasion.html pick any one...look up more at your leisure Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print