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Posts from bruski, naples FL

bruski, naples FLbruski, naples FL
Bruski, Naples FL

More "FedSpeak".

Our Founders had it right. Congress coins our money, monitors our spending. Monetary & Fiscal responsibility has been relegated to the Fed.

Results: over-leveraged debt-laden country with a currency falling to zero.

Bruski, Naples FL

We sheep are being led to the slaughter as we surrender to the "wolves" aka bureaucrats who control us with central planning and central banking.

History guides us and speaks loudly.

Bruski, Naples FL

A 10 Star quote from a genius.

Unfortunately, the greed & stupidity of the American public reigns supreme as witness who we elect and sustain in governing our system.

How does this all end? My guess is badly.

bruski, Naples FL


Let us lead by example.

Bruski, Naples FL

Mr. Hoffer was a true freedom loving genius.

He describes much of the "leadership population" in and around the dismal swamp also know as Washington D.C.

Drain the swamp!

Bruski, Naples FL

Perfect quote for today's conditions.

Bruski, Naples FL

Truly an American Hero and one who knew and understood the horrors of war.

Sadly, we haven't listened or learned from General Shoup.

Semper Fi.


Bruski, Naples FL

I love the Declaration and all that it means.

We should read it on July 4th every year.


Bruski, Naples FL

True and sad to see our precious Constitution be set aside as socialism invades our system.


Bruski, naples FL


Will we ever wake up to reality?

Bruski, naples FL

True freedom is very expensive.

Americans are no longer willing to pay the price.

Semper Fi.


Bruski, naples FL

Our Founders understood this fundamental law.

That's why they developed our Constitution with checks & balances to offset the temptation of governmental power.

We need to be VERY afraid as the "swamp" continues to grow exponentially.

Bruski, Naples FL

"The closing of the American mind" has been accomplished.

Welcome to socialism Mr. & Mrs. America.



Bruski, Naples FL

P.S. The dollar is now worth less than 2 cents of its value when the Federal Reserve was founded.

Bruski, Naples FL

"What fools these mortals be!"

Greenspan, Bernanke & Yellen supported by the fools in congress have destroyed our money.

And, now Mr. Trump is changing his tune in supporting Yellen.

Fun & games ahead.

bruski, naples FL

Great and excellent idea.

Too bad we are losing it at rapid speed.

bruski, naples FL

Right on.

"Drain the swamp!" ?

No! Empty the septic tank.

bruski, naples FL

Right on.

Freedom to win & freedom to lose.

Stop the central planners who have shut the doors to both.


bruski, naples FL

Right on Ben!

"...a republic madam; if you can keep it!"

To paraphrase and emphasize a classic quote of Ben's.

Bruski, Naples FL

Why does the Fed refuse to be audited?

Answer: they have much to hide.

Audit the Fed and report all the details to the American public. My guess is that IF it is done we will be shocked by the fraud & abuse.

bruski, naples FL

Time for all of us Americans to open our minds to diverse thought.


bruski, Naples FL

Great quote.

Should have reminded himself that issues such as abortion, education, energy etc. etc. should be left to the states.

The Supreme Court has overstepped its Constitutional limitations.

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