[876-900] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, Austin

Waff,unlike yourself, I think that Mike and Carlton do a lot of thinking. My definition of freedom is that people should be able to do as they please as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Naturally government doesn't agree and thus we have all the victomless crime laws and a gazillion government restrictions from the control freaks in Washington.

jim k, Austin

Interwoven in the hearts of Nancy,Ralph,Obama,and the rest of that bunch, is not freedom but socialism.

jim k, Austin

Waff, you mention the "slave holding South" but you fail to mention the slave holding North. Old "honest" Abe only freed slaves in the States that opposed him in the South. Northern and border States were free to keep their slaves. Most Northern States passed highly restrictive laws against blacks, and wanted no part of helping runaway slaves. Slaves in the South were better off than blacks in the North. You doubt it, read "Lincoln,Uber Alles,Dictatorship Comesto America". The socalled Civil War was about Lincoln wanting power in a central government in Washington and he didn't care a whit about slavery.

jim k, Austin

Better to stand on your feet than live on your knees.

jim k, Austin

Reason and virtue are just fine, but it didn't work too well with King George. Sometimes you have to take up arms to preserve or to have freedom. Our Founding Fathers knew this all to well.

jim k, Austin

Void of freedom is where we are headed if we don't vote 'em all out in November.

jim k, Austin

Unfortunatly, many people are quite willing to trade their liberties for security. With Nancy, Reed, and the gang in charge, we may soon have neither,

jim k, Austin

If Ben could see what our country has become since 1860, he would probably say, I warned you.

jim k, Austin

Not only is Liberty not taught in schools, the kids are now singing praises to our annointed leader. By the way, check out HR 45 which will,if passed, effectively dis arm the people of this country. The rats never stop gnawing away at our freedoms.

jim k, Austin

The Kenyan usurper has probably heard of the Constitution but pays no attention to it. Maybe soneone could slip it onto his teleprompter before he makes one of his many boring speeches.

jim k, Austin

The liberal termites in Washington are working day and night to destroy our economy and our few remaining liberties. We must throw them out in November.

jim k, Austin

The most gullible people are the ones who bought into that "hope and change" nonsense, but even some of them are beginning to wake up. Here in Austin, a liberal town if there ever was one, I am seeing fewer and fewer Obama stickers on cars. They were everywhere around November 2008 but not so anymore. There are still some true believers around proving that you can foool some of the people all of the time.

jim k, Austin

Mike and J are right on and Waffler, please sober up before blathering on this web site. And those "asses" at the tea parties are the reason we don't have a 2000 page monstrosity of a "health care plan" passed at this time.

jim k, Austin

That's "Rush" not "Russ" Waff, and he spends his time exposing asses like Pelosi, Reed,Obama, Gore , and the rest of the usual suspects.

jim k, Austin

Golly gee whiz Waff, I'm so sorry that I caused you to feel bad and sad over my agreement with J and Anonymous. I do hope that you recover and have no lasting effects from this. You are almost as big a BS'er as Obama, Reed, and Pelosi.

jim k, Austin

Anonymous and J Carlton are right.

jim k, Austin

Perhaps we are turning the corner in getting our country back, The recent Massachusetts election was a ray of hope.

jim k, Austin

Amen, Mike,Norwalk. Nixon ramped up the War on Drugs in 1970, setting up the DEA and increasing the number of narc cops about 100 fold, or more, and It costs about 70 billion dollars a year. What do we get for our money, well, for one thing we've had to build hundreds of new jails. We have more crime in our streets, cops are corrupted, judges bought off, and drugs more available to our children. That's what we get for this so called War on drugs. Check out LEAP.cc for more information.

jim k, Austin

As to remote, any negatives about the current administration in Washington will be in a very remote part of your newspaper, if it gets reported at all.

jim k, Austin

Most "newspapers" today are merely propaganda outlets for the libs in Washington. The same goes for CNN,CBS, MSNBC,and ABC.

jim k, Austin

Since Obama, Reed, Nancy, Franks, and the gang have no integrity, it must say something about their character,

jim k, Austin

Liberals in Congress can face public opinion, they just don't pay much attention to it. This has changed a little since the recent Massachusetts vote. It wiil change a lot after the vote in November.

jim k, Austin

Nowadays they just check the polls every 5 minutes.

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